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Publications of Bennett Smith
Built automatically on Sun Mar 14 17:13:44 CET 2004
- Belin, P., McAdams, S., Thivard, L., Smith, B., Savel, S., Zilbovicius, M., Samson, S., Samson, Y. (2002) "The neuroanatomical substrate of sound duration discrimination", Neuropsychologia 40, 1956-1964. [Belin02a]
- Caclin, A., Brattico, E., Smith, B., Ternaviemi, M., Giard, M.-H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Electrophysiological correlates of musical timbre perception", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 2240 (A). [Caclin02a]
- Caclin, A., Brattico, E., Smith, B., Ternaviemi, M., Toiviainen, P., Näätänen, R., Giard, M.-H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Musical timbre perception: A combined psychophysical and electrophysiological study", ICON8, Porquerolles, 70. [Caclin02b]
- McAdams, S., Caclin, A., Smith, B. (2002) "A confirmatory analysis of four acoustic correlates of timbre space", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 2239 (A). [McAdams02d]
- McAdams, S., Smith, B. K., Vieillard, S., Bigand, E., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Real-time perception of a contemporary musical work in a live concert setting", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM], Sydney. [McAdams02f]
- Menon, V., Levitin, D. J., Smith, B. K., Lembke, A., Kraznow, B., Glazer, D., Glover, G. H., McAdams, S. (2002) "Neural correlates of timbre change in harmonic sounds", Neuroimage 17, 1742-1754. [Menon02a]
- Susini, P. , McAdams, S. , Smith, B. (2002) "Global and continuous loudness estimation of time-varying levels", ACUSTICA - acta acustica 88, 536-548. [Susini02a]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Deruty, E., Smith, B. K. , Marin, C. (2002) "Sound Navigation: Sonified Hyperlinks", International Conference on Auditory Display: ATR, Kyoto, Japan. [Susini02c]
- Peeters, G., McAdams, S., Susini, P., Misdariis, N., Krimphoff, J., Smith, B.K. (2001) "Procédé de caractérisation du timbre d'un signal sonore selon au moins un descripteur", USA: CNRS, Ircam, France Télécom (Patent). [Peeters01a]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Marin, Cécile, Smith, B. (2001) "Etude des Hyperliens sonores.", Projet RNRT, Radio Thème. (Technical Report). [susini01f]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., McAdams, S., Smith, B. (2001) "Elaboration d'un modèle de détection automatique et d'un estimateur de désagrément de bruits parasites.", PREDIT - Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie. (Technical Report). [susini01g]
- Fletcher, K., Smith, B. K., Pressnitzer, D. (2000) "Perception, cerveau, musique", L'oeil électrique 15, 18-23. [Fletcher00a]
- de Cheveigné, A., Smith, B. (1999) "A 'Sound Transparency' descriptor", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG99/m5198 (Technical Report). [deCheveigne99a]
- Topalovic, N., Smith, B., McAdams, S. (1999) "Prévision du bruit rayonné par des structures en vue d'une évaluation perceptive. Tome III. Etudes psychoacoustiques", Paris: PREDIT, Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (Rapport de fin de contrat). [topalovie99a]
- Belin, P., McAdams, S., Smith, B., Savel, S., Thivard, L., Samson, S., Samson, Y. (1998) "The functional anatomy of sound intensity discrimination", Journal of Neuroscience 18, 6388-6394.
- Misdariis, N., Smith, B., Pressnitzer, D., Susini, P., McAdams, S. (1998) "Validation of a multidimensional distance model for perceptual dissimilarities among musical timbres", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, 3005. [misdariis98]
- McAdams, S., Smith, B.K., Maillot, M., Frachet, B. (1997) "Sélectivité fréquentielle et identification de voyelles simultanées chez des auditeurs normo-entendants et malentendants", In: Rencontres IPSEN en ORL, Edited by: Christen, Y., Collet, L., Droy-Lefaix, M.-T., Boulogne: Editions Irvinn, 131-145.
- Hartmann, W. M., McAdams, S., Smith, B. K. (1990) "Hearing a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 88, 1712-1724.
In press
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S., Smith, B.K. (1986) "L'appariement de la hauteur d'un harmonique désaccordé dans un son complexe", Paris: IRCAM, 57-65 (Rapport Annuel).
- Hartmann, W.M., McAdams, S., Smith, B.K. (1986) "Matching the pitch of a mistuned harmonic in an otherwise periodic complex tone", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 80, S93(A).
- McAdams, S., Susini, P., Krimphoff, J., Misdariis, N., Smith, B. ((en préparation)) "A meta-analysis of timbre space. II: Psychophysical quantification of common dimensions", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.