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Publications of Jeremy Marozeau
Built automatically on Sun Mar 14 17:13:48 CET 2004
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2003) "The dependency of timbre on fundamental frequency", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, 2946-2957. [Marozeau03a]
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2001) "The perceptual interaction between the pitch and timbre of musical sound", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109, 2288 (A). [Marozeau01a]
- Marozeau, J., de Cheveigné, A., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S. (2001) "The perceptual interaction between pitch and timbre of musical sound", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109, 2288. [Marozeau01b]
- Marozeau, J. (2000) "Les interactions entre le timbre et la fréquence fondamentale des sons musicaux", Thesis: Université Paris VI., ATIAM, Paris (Mémoire de DEA). [Marozeau00a]