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Publications of Sandrine Vieillard
Built automatically on Sun Mar 14 17:13:52 CET 2004
- Susini, P., McAdams, S., Winsberg, S., Perry, I., Vieillard, S., Rodet, X. (2004) "Characterising the sound quality of air-conditiong noise", Applied Acoustics, (à paraître). [Susini04a]
- Bigand, E., Vieillard, S., Madurell, F., McAdams, S., Poulin, B. (2002) "Effects of instrumentation on the memorization of musical materials", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Bigand02a]
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Vieillard, S. (2002) "Composition et cognition musicales: Création, perception, appréciation", Programme Cognitique, MENRT (Rapport de fin de recherche). [McAdams02h]
- McAdams, S., Smith, B. K., Vieillard, S., Bigand, E., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Real-time perception of a contemporary musical work in a live concert setting", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Causal Productions, Adelaide [CD-ROM], Sydney. [McAdams02f]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Deruty, E., Dandrel, L. (2002) "Etude des hyperliens sonores II: Pertinence d'un ensemble de paramètres acoustiques sur le soulignement sonore d'un mot", Paris, France: Projet RNRT - Radio Thème, 1-16 (Technical Report). [Susini02d]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Deruty, E., Smith, B. K. , Marin, C. (2002) "Sound Navigation: Sonified Hyperlinks", International Conference on Auditory Display: ATR, Kyoto, Japan. [Susini02c]
- Vieillard, S., Bigand, E., Madurell, F., McAdams, S., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Can listening to excerpts of original versions of contemporary musical materials facilitate recognition of their transformed versions?", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Vieillard02b]
- Vieillard, S., McAdams, S., Houix, O., Reynolds, R. (2002) "Perceptual and cognitive criteria used in the categorization of thematic excerpts from a contemporary musical piece", 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition: Adelaide: Causal Productions [CD-ROM], Sydney. [Vieillard02a]
- McAdams, S., Bigand, E., Vieillard, S. (2001) "Composition et cognition musicales: Création, perception, appréciation", Programme Cognitique, MENRT (Rapport intermédiaire). [McAdams01d]
- Susini, P., Perry, I., Vieillard, S., Winsberg, S., McAdams, S., Rodet, X. (2001) "Sensory evaluation of air-conditioning noise: Sound design and psychoacoustic evaluation", 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, 20-21 [CD-ROM]. [Susini01a]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., Marin, Cécile, Smith, B. (2001) "Etude des Hyperliens sonores.", Projet RNRT, Radio Thème. (Technical Report). [susini01f]
- Susini, P., Vieillard, S., McAdams, S., Smith, B. (2001) "Elaboration d'un modèle de détection automatique et d'un estimateur de désagrément de bruits parasites.", PREDIT - Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie. (Technical Report). [susini01g]