Main.Presentation History

Hide minor edits - Show changes to markup

October 28, 2010, at 11:14 AM by -
Changed line 333 from:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) OB


(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) BO

October 28, 2010, at 11:10 AM by -
Changed line 234 from:
  • Rych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations).
  • Rich linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations).
October 28, 2010, at 11:09 AM by -
Changed line 232 from:
  • Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling.
  • This work presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling.
Changed lines 234-235 from:
  • Rych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed linguistic phenomenon.
  • Rych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations).
  • Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvment depends of the observed linguistic phenomenon.
October 28, 2010, at 11:05 AM by -
Changed line 181 from:
  • This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN).
  • This work introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN) proposed by G. Degottex.
October 28, 2010, at 10:58 AM by -
Changed line 146 from:
  • HyperMusic: Prologue, Hector Parra, Thomas Goepfer
  • HyperMusic: Prologue, Hector Parra, Thomas Goepfer
October 28, 2010, at 10:57 AM by -
Changed lines 77-81 from:
  • title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • with honors (mention très honorable)
  • keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
  • Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • Director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • With honors (mention très honorable)
  • Keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
Changed line 85 from:
  • ajor: signal processing and decision theory.
  • Major: signal processing and decision theory.
Changed line 90 from:

DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music\\


DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computer science applied to Music\\

Changed lines 99-100 from:
  • Keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.
  • Keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, major in statistical image processing during the last year.
October 28, 2010, at 10:54 AM by -
Changed lines 30-31 from:
  • Research and development in a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model (SVLN) proposed by G. Degottex
  • Research and development of a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model (SVLN) proposed by G. Degottex
Changed lines 35-36 from:
  • Research and development of a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. *Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
  • Research and development of a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different levels (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on the speech audio signal.
  • Multiple pronunciation are taking into account during the alignment using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
Changed lines 43-44 from:
  • Teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.
  • Teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), system and network, final projects supervisation.
Changed lines 48-49 from:
  • Teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.
  • Teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisation.
Changed lines 63-64 from:
  • Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.
  • Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plate involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.
Changed lines 77-81 from:
  • Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • Director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • With honors (mention très honorable)
  • Keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
  • title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • with honors (mention très honorable)
  • keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
Changed line 85 from:
  • Major: signal processing and decision theory.
  • ajor: signal processing and decision theory.
October 28, 2010, at 10:49 AM by -
Changed line 23 from:
  • The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.
  • The aim of VC in this project is to convert the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.
October 28, 2010, at 10:48 AM by -
Changed line 21 from:
  • Research on Voice Conversion (Dynamic Model Selection) and development of a system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • Research on Voice Conversion (Dynamic Model Selection) and development of a system based on GMM modeling of the joint density of source and target acoustic features.
Changed line 29 from:
  • Research on Voice conversion (reduction of the conditional variance) and development of a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • Research on Voice conversion (reduction of the conditional variance) and development of a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint density of source and target acoustic features.
October 28, 2010, at 03:56 AM by -
Changed lines 230-231 from:

A major drawback of current Hidden Markov Model-based speech synthesis is the monotony of the generated speech which is closely related to the monotony of the generated prosody. Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling. A linguistic processing chain based on linguistic preprocessing, morpho-syntactical labeling, and syntactical parsing is used to extract high-level syntactical features from an input text. Sych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed llinguisitc phenomenon.

  • A major drawback of current Hidden Markov Model-based speech synthesis is the monotony of the generated speech which is closely related to the monotony of the generated prosody.
  • Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling.
  • A linguistic processing chain based on linguistic preprocessing, morpho-syntactical labeling, and syntactical parsing is used to extract high-level syntactical features from an input text.
  • Rych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed linguistic phenomenon.
Changed lines 244-245 from:

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

  • This work presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis.
  • The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models.
  • The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre.
  • The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre.
  • Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment.
  • A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.
October 28, 2010, at 03:54 AM by -
Changed line 179 from:

A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods


A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods (with G. Degottex)

Changed line 229 from:

Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features


Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features (with N. Obin)

Changed line 240 from:

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis


Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis (with N. Obin)

October 28, 2010, at 03:53 AM by -
Changed line 150 from:

|| border=0

October 28, 2010, at 03:52 AM by -
Changed line 150 from:

|| border=0

October 28, 2010, at 03:50 AM by -
Changed lines 236-239 from:
example 1(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)
example 2(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:45 AM by -
Deleted line 244:
October 28, 2010, at 03:44 AM by -
Changed lines 247-248 from:
Prosodical stereotype(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
HTS(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Prosodical stereotype(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)
HTS(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)(:flash width=60 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:43 AM by -
Changed line 246 from:
Samples(:flash width=50 height=18:)
Samples(:flash width=60 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:43 AM by -
Changed line 246 from:
Samples(:flash width=80 height=18:)
Samples(:flash width=50 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:42 AM by -
Changed line 246 from:
Samples(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Samples(:flash width=80 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:41 AM by -
Changed lines 244-248 from:
Samples(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Prosodical stereotype(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
HTS(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:35 AM by -
Added line 174:
  • ... and with more data
October 28, 2010, at 03:34 AM by -
Changed lines 174-175 from:
André(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:31 AM by -
October 28, 2010, at 03:29 AM by -
Changed lines 149-152 from:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)

Hypermusic(:flash width=200 height=18:)
October 28, 2010, at 03:27 AM by -
Added line 149:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)

October 28, 2010, at 02:47 AM by -
Changed line 149 from:

some examples musicalProduction

October 28, 2010, at 02:45 AM by -
Changed line 142 from:

Musical productions using ircamAlign


Musical productions using ircamAlign

Added line 149:

some examples musicalProduction

October 28, 2010, at 02:43 AM by -
Added lines 134-142:
  • Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,
    P. Lanchantin, A. C. Morris X. Rodet and C. Veaux,
    LREC'08 Proceedings, Marrakech, Marocco, 2008.

Musical productions using ircamAlign

Deleted lines 148-154:
  • Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,
    P. Lanchantin, A. C. Morris X. Rodet and C. Veaux,
    LREC'08 Proceedings, Marrakech, Marocco, 2008.

October 28, 2010, at 02:41 AM by -
October 28, 2010, at 02:38 AM by -
Changed lines 135-140 from:
  • Com que voz, Stefano Gervasoni, Thomas Goepfer
  • HyperMusic: Prologue, Hector Parra, Thomas Goepfer
  • Häxan, la sorcellerie à travers les âges, Mauro Lanza, Olivier Pasquet
  • Cantate égale pays, Gérard Pesson, Sébastien Roux
  • Le père, Michael Jarrel, Serge Lemouton
  • Com que voz, Stefano Gervasoni, Thomas Goepfer
  • HyperMusic: Prologue, Hector Parra, Thomas Goepfer
  • Häxan, la sorcellerie à travers les âges, Mauro Lanza, Olivier Pasquet
  • Cantate égale pays, Gérard Pesson, Sébastien Roux
  • Le père, Michael Jarrel, Serge Lemouton
October 28, 2010, at 02:37 AM by -
Changed lines 134-135 from:
  • ircamAlign is used by composers and it has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
  • ircamAlign is used by composers and it has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM such as:
    • Com que voz, Stefano Gervasoni, Thomas Goepfer
    • HyperMusic: Prologue, Hector Parra, Thomas Goepfer
    • Häxan, la sorcellerie à travers les âges, Mauro Lanza, Olivier Pasquet
    • Cantate égale pays, Gérard Pesson, Sébastien Roux
    • Le père, Michael Jarrel, Serge Lemouton
October 28, 2010, at 02:33 AM by -
Changed lines 134-135 from:
  • ircamAlign is used by composer at has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
  • ircamAlign is used by composers and it has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
October 28, 2010, at 02:33 AM by -
Changed lines 133-134 from:
  • ircamAlign is used by composer at has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
  • ircamAlign is used by composer at has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
October 28, 2010, at 02:32 AM by -
Changed lines 133-134 from:
  • ircamAlign is used by composer at has been used in several musical creations at IRCAM
October 28, 2010, at 02:29 AM by -
Changed line 134 from:
  1. Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,\\
  • Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,\\
Changed line 169 from:
  1. A HMM-Based Synthesis System Using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Method,\\
  • A HMM-Based Synthesis System Using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Method,\\
Changed line 215 from:
  1. Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,\\
  • Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,\\
Changed line 238 from:
  1. Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,\\
  • Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,\\
October 28, 2010, at 02:26 AM by -
Changed lines 125-126 from:
  • it is based on the HTK toolbox
  • it is based on the HTK toolbox and LLIAPHON french phonetizer
  • available for French and English
October 28, 2010, at 02:26 AM by -
Changed lines 127-128 from:
  • linguistic structure is extracted from the text and aligned on the audio file by considering multi-pronunciation graph to model the dependencies between phonemes.
  • linguistic structure is extracted from the text and aligned on the audio file by considering multi-pronunciation graph to model the dependencies between phonemes.
  • if the text transcription is no available, a bi-gram language model is used
October 28, 2010, at 02:25 AM by -
Changed lines 124-125 from:
  • ircamAlign is a tool for speech segmentation useful to create database for speech synthesis.
  • based on the HTK toolbox
  • ircamAlign is a tool for speech segmentation useful to create database for speech synthesis.
  • it is based on the HTK toolbox
Changed lines 127-128 from:
  • linguistic structure is extracted from the text and aligned on the audio file by considering multi-pronunciation graph. Phoneme are modelized by left-right HMM with 7 states.
  • linguistic structure is extracted from the text and aligned on the audio file by considering multi-pronunciation graph to model the dependencies between phonemes.
  • phoneme are modelized by left-right HMM with 7 states.
October 28, 2010, at 02:23 AM by -
Changed lines 124-130 from:
  • Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording.
  • Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy.
  • This paper presents the results of tuning such a phone segmentation system.
  • Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model.
  • Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries.
  • Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries.
  • ircamAlign is a tool for speech segmentation useful to create database for speech synthesis.
  • based on the HTK toolbox
  • audio speech file and its textual transcription are taken as input
  • linguistic structure is extracted from the text and aligned on the audio file by considering multi-pronunciation graph. Phoneme are modelized by left-right HMM with 7 states.
  • Confidence measure are computed at different linguistic level for easier manual correction
  • HTS lab features format are directly created to allow the quick creation of new voices.
October 28, 2010, at 02:16 AM by -
Changed line 126 from:
  • This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system.
  • This paper presents the results of tuning such a phone segmentation system.
October 28, 2010, at 02:15 AM by -
Changed lines 124-125 from:

Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.

  • Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording.
  • Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy.
  • This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system.
  • Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model.
  • Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries.
  • Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries.
October 28, 2010, at 02:07 AM by -
Changed lines 21-22 from:
  • I am working on a voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation.
  • Research on Voice Conversion (Dynamic Model Selection) and development of a system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • Implementation of a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation.
Changed lines 24-25 from:
  • Research and development of a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS with high level syntactical features with N. Obin
Changed lines 29-31 from:
  • I developed a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model proposed by G. Degottex
  • Research on Voice conversion (reduction of the conditional variance) and development of a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • Research and development in a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model (SVLN) proposed by G. Degottex
Changed line 35 from:
  • I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
  • Research and development of a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. *Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
Changed lines 42-43 from:
  • teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.
  • Teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.
Changed lines 47-48 from:
  • teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.
  • Teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.
October 28, 2010, at 01:55 AM by -
Deleted lines 202-209:

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

  1. Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, Submitted
Added lines 210-218:

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

  1. Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, Submitted
October 28, 2010, at 01:54 AM by -
Changed lines 152-165 from:

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

  1. Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, Submitted

Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features

A major drawback of current Hidden Markov Model-based speech synthesis is the monotony of the generated speech which is closely related to the monotony of the generated prosody. Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling. A linguistic processing chain based on linguistic preprocessing, morpho-syntactical labeling, and syntactical parsing is used to extract high-level syntactical features from an input text. Sych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed llinguisitc phenomenon.

  1. Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, M. Avanzi, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    Speech Prosody 2010 Proceedings, Chicago, USA, 2010.
Added lines 203-217:

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

  1. Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, Submitted

Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features

A major drawback of current Hidden Markov Model-based speech synthesis is the monotony of the generated speech which is closely related to the monotony of the generated prosody. Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling. A linguistic processing chain based on linguistic preprocessing, morpho-syntactical labeling, and syntactical parsing is used to extract high-level syntactical features from an input text. Sych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed llinguisitc phenomenon.

  1. Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, M. Avanzi, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    Speech Prosody 2010 Proceedings, Chicago, USA, 2010.
October 28, 2010, at 01:52 AM by -
Changed line 204 from:

Transformation examples


Transformation examples

October 28, 2010, at 01:51 AM by -
Changed lines 220-221 from:

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

  • Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a single model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity.
  • In this work we assumed that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features.
  • We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal.
  • This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame.
  • Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.
October 28, 2010, at 01:50 AM by -
Added lines 131-132:

Changed lines 216-217 from:

October 28, 2010, at 01:47 AM by -
Deleted lines 174-197:

Transformation examples

  • SVLN is promising for voice transformation in synthesis of expressive speech since it allows an independent control of vocal-tract and glottal-source properties.
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio (HTS) 
111(:flash width=200 height=18:)Original voice
0.611(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.851(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.850.5(:flash width=200 height=18:)Baryton voice
2.511(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.71(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.73(:flash width=200 height=18:)Little girl voice

Voice Conversion

Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

  1. Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,
    P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
    ''Interspeech 2010 Proceedings, Makuhari, Japan, Sept 2010.

VC from real source voice

  • Target Reference Samples
Changed lines 176-183 from:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 004 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)


(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) Pair (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Pulse (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) STRAIGHT (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) SVLN (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 2 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 4 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 6 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 8 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 11 (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)

Changed lines 202-225 from:
  • Converted source envelope

Transformation examples

  • SVLN is promising for voice transformation in synthesis of expressive speech since it allows an independent control of vocal-tract and glottal-source properties.
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio (HTS) 
111(:flash width=200 height=18:)Original voice
0.611(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.851(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.850.5(:flash width=200 height=18:)Baryton voice
2.511(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.71(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.73(:flash width=200 height=18:)Little girl voice

Voice Conversion

Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

  1. Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,
    P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
    ''Interspeech 2010 Proceedings, Makuhari, Japan, Sept 2010.

VC from real source voice

  • Target Reference Samples
Deleted line 227:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccd01 align=center:) Xavier

Added lines 231-243:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 004 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

  • Converted source envelope

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccd01 align=center:) Xavier (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles

October 28, 2010, at 01:39 AM by -
Changed lines 165-166 from:
  • This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). *The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise.
  • This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN).
  • The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise.
October 28, 2010, at 01:39 AM by -
Changed lines 165-168 from:

This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise. This glottal source is first estimated and then used in the vocal-tract estimation procedure. Then, the parameters of the source and the vocal-tract are included into HMM contextual models of phonems. the synthesis results are finally discussed and subjectively evaluated.

The proposed subjective test can be find here

  • This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). *The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise.
  • This glottal source is first estimated and then used in the vocal-tract estimation procedure.
  • Then, the parameters of the source and the vocal-tract are included into HMM contextual models of phonems.
  • The synthesis results were subjectively evaluated here
October 28, 2010, at 01:37 AM by -
Added lines 167-168:

The proposed subjective test can be find here

October 28, 2010, at 01:35 AM by -
October 28, 2010, at 01:34 AM by -
Changed line 195 from:

(:table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)


(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:33 AM by -
Changed line 195 from:

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)


(:table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:33 AM by -
Changed lines 165-166 from:

This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise. This glottal source is first estimated and then used in the vocal-tract estimation procedure. Then, the parameters of the source and the vocal-tract are included into HMM contextual models of phonems. SVLN is promising for voice transformation in synthesis of expressive speech since it allows an independent control of vocal-tract and glottal-source properties. the synthesis results are finally discussed and subjectively evaluated.


This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise. This glottal source is first estimated and then used in the vocal-tract estimation procedure. Then, the parameters of the source and the vocal-tract are included into HMM contextual models of phonems. the synthesis results are finally discussed and subjectively evaluated.

Changed line 172 from:
  • SVLN is promising for voice transformation in synthesis of expressive speech since it allows an independent control of vocal-tract and glottal-source properties.
October 28, 2010, at 01:32 AM by -
Changed line 174 from:
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio (HTS)
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio (HTS) 
October 28, 2010, at 01:30 AM by -
October 28, 2010, at 01:29 AM by -
Changed line 173 from:
October 28, 2010, at 01:29 AM by -
Changed line 173 from:
October 28, 2010, at 01:27 AM by -
Changed line 174 from:
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio
F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio (HTS)
October 28, 2010, at 01:26 AM by -
Changed lines 171-184 from:

Transformation examples

F0 scaleVTF scaleRd scaleAudio
111(:flash width=200 height=18:)Original voice
0.611(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.851(:flash width=200 height=18:)
0.60.850.5(:flash width=200 height=18:)Baryton voice
2.511(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.71(:flash width=200 height=18:)
2.51.73(:flash width=200 height=18:)Little girl voice
October 28, 2010, at 01:19 AM by -
Deleted lines 241-243:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 002 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted lines 244-264:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 004 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 005 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 006 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 007 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 008 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 009 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 010 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted lines 247-249:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 038 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted lines 259-267:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 088 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 142 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 162 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted lines 262-264:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 184 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:13 AM by -
Deleted lines 231-236:

(:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 014 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 015 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 016 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:12 AM by -
Changed line 240 from:
  • Converted source envelope (with old and new method)
  • Converted source envelope
Changed lines 244-245 from:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) OLD (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) NEW


(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) OB

Deleted line 246:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 249:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 252:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 255:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 258:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 261:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 264:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 267:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 270:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 273:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 276:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 279:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 282:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 285:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 288:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 291:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 294:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 297:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 300:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 303:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Deleted line 306:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:07 AM by -
Changed line 196 from:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier


(:cell bgcolor=#cccd01 align=center:) Xavier

October 28, 2010, at 01:06 AM by -
Deleted line 183:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier

Deleted line 187:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:04 AM by -
Changed line 195 from:
  • with Converted source envelope
  • Converted source envelope
Changed lines 224-226 from:
  • Reference: with Aligned target envelope

VC from a commercial TTS source voice

  • Target Reference Samples
Changed lines 229-232 from:

(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles


(:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) BO (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 012 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 013 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 014 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 015 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 016 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

  • Converted source envelope (with old and new method)

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccd01 align=center:) Ryan (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) OLD (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) NEW

Changed lines 249-252 from:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)


(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 002 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 003 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 004 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 005 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 006 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 007 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 008 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 009 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 010 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 011 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 038 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 049 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 071 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 078 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Changed lines 309-312 from:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)


(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:)

Changed lines 313-322 from:

(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 099 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)


(:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 142 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 162 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 171 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 184 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

October 28, 2010, at 01:01 AM by -
Changed lines 180-181 from:

Target Reference Samples


VC from real source voice

  • Target Reference Samples
Deleted lines 194-195:

Voice Conversion:

Deleted line 195:
Changed lines 224-229 from:
  • Overfitting

(:flash width=62 height=18:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)

  • with Aligned target envelope
  • Reference: with Aligned target envelope
October 28, 2010, at 12:58 AM by -
Changed lines 180-259 from:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)


Target Reference Samples

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 004 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

Voice Conversion:

  • with Converted source envelope

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 001 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 082 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 088 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 099 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

  • Overfitting

(:flash width=62 height=18:)(:flash width=62 height=18:)

  • with Aligned target envelope

(:table border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 align=center:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) # (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Xavier (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Fernando (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Tremblay (:cell bgcolor=#cccc89 align=center:) Gilles (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 001 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 082 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 088 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cellnr bgcolor=#cccc99 align=center:) 099 (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:cell align=center:) (:flash width=62 height=18:) (:tableend:)

October 28, 2010, at 12:55 AM by -
Changed lines 135-136 from:
  • Models were learn on only 200 short phrases.
  • Models were learn on only 200 short phrases = 9 to 10mn of speech.
October 28, 2010, at 12:54 AM by -
Changed lines 129-130 from:


October 28, 2010, at 12:50 AM by -
Changed lines 129-130 from:


October 28, 2010, at 12:49 AM by -
Changed lines 129-130 from:


October 28, 2010, at 12:47 AM by -
Changed line 32 from:

Researcher and developper in ANR VIVOS project:\\


Researcher and developer in ANR VIVOS project:\\

October 28, 2010, at 12:46 AM by -
Changed line 19 from:

Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project:\\


Researcher and developer in FEDER AngelStudio project:\\

Changed line 26 from:

Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project:\\


Researcher and developer in ANR Affective Avatars project:\\

Changed line 32 from:

Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project:\\


Researcher and developper in ANR VIVOS project:\\

October 27, 2010, at 07:16 PM by -
October 27, 2010, at 07:14 PM by -
Changed line 180 from:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)


(:flash width=200 height=18:)

October 27, 2010, at 07:13 PM by -
Changed line 180 from:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)


(:flash width=200 height=18:)

October 27, 2010, at 07:12 PM by -
Changed line 180 from:

(:flash width=200 height=18:)


(:flash width=200 height=18:)

October 27, 2010, at 07:11 PM by -
Changed line 180 from: width=200 height=18:)||Original voice||


(:flash width=200 height=18:)

October 27, 2010, at 07:09 PM by -
Added line 180: width=200 height=18:)||Original voice||

October 27, 2010, at 07:03 PM by -
Added lines 171-172:

Voice Conversion

October 27, 2010, at 07:02 PM by -
Added line 128:
October 27, 2010, at 07:02 PM by -
Deleted line 125:
October 27, 2010, at 07:01 PM by -
Added lines 125-128:
  1. Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,

P. Lanchantin, A. C. Morris X. Rodet and C. Veaux,
LREC'08 Proceedings, Marrakech, Marocco, 2008.

Changed lines 153-155 from:

Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

  1. Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, Submitted
Added lines 160-163:
  1. Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,
    N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, M. Avanzi, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
    Speech Prosody 2010 Proceedings, Chicago, USA, 2010.
Added lines 167-177:
  1. A HMM-Based Synthesis System Using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Method,
    P. Lanchantin, G. Degottex and X. Rodet,
    ICASSP2010 Proceedings, Dallas, USA, 2010.

Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

  1. Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,
    P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
    ''Interspeech 2010 Proceedings, Makuhari, Japan, Sept 2010.
October 27, 2010, at 06:49 PM by -
Changed lines 129-132 from:

Baseline system using STRAIGHT for French speech synthesis

Models were learn on only 200 short phrases.


Baseline system using STRAIGHT for French speech synthesis

  • Models were learn on only 200 short phrases.
October 27, 2010, at 06:49 PM by -
Added lines 129-130:

Baseline system using STRAIGHT for French speech synthesis

October 27, 2010, at 06:48 PM by -
Added lines 129-143:

Models were learn on only 200 short phrases.

Xavier(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Chungsin(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Carmine(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Cocteau(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Fernando(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Hugues(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Simon(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Thomas(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
Tremblay(:flash width=200 height=18:)(:flash width=200 height=18:)
October 27, 2010, at 06:41 PM by -
Changed lines 16-17 from:

Professional Experience


Professional Experiences

October 27, 2010, at 06:38 PM by -
Changed line 21 from:
  • I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I am working on a voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
Changed lines 29-30 from:
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed G. Degottex
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model proposed by G. Degottex
October 27, 2010, at 06:36 PM by -
Changed line 18 from:

Jan 2010-Jun2011:\\


Jan 2010 - Jun2011:\\

Changed line 25 from:

Jul 2008-Jan 2010:\\


Jul 2008 - Jan 2010:\\

Changed line 28 from:
  • I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I developed a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
Changed line 31 from:

Jan 2007-Jun 2008:\\


Jan 2007 - Jun 2008:\\

Changed lines 36-38 from:
  • The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS.

Sep 2005-Sep 2006:\\

  • The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developed for Unit selection TTS.

Sep 2005 - Sep 2006:\\

Changed line 43 from:

Sep 2002-Sep 2005:\\


Sep 2002 - Sep 2005:\\

Changed line 48 from:

Sep 2002-Dec 2002:\\


Sep 2002 - Dec 2002:\\

Changed line 53 from:

Mar 2002-Sep 2002:\\


Mar 2002 - Sep 2002:\\

Changed line 58 from:

Mar 2001-Sep 2001:\\


Mar 2001 - Sep 2001:\\

Changed line 63 from:

Jan 2000-Mar 2000:\\


Jan 2000 - Mar 2000:\\

October 27, 2010, at 06:35 PM by -
Added lines 14-15:

October 27, 2010, at 06:34 PM by -
Added line 13:
Changed line 16 from:

Jan 2010-Jun2011


Jan 2010-Jun2011:\\

Changed line 23 from:

Jul 2008-Jan 2010


Jul 2008-Jan 2010:\\

October 27, 2010, at 06:34 PM by -
Changed lines 13-64 from:

Professional Experience

Jan 2010-Jun2011 Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project:
IRCAM, Paris, France

  • I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation.
  • The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.

Jul 2008-Jan 2010 Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project:
IRCAM, Paris, France

  • I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed G. Degottex

Jan 2007-Jun 2008:
Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project:
IRCAM, Paris, France

  • I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
  • A confidence measure is computed for manual correction.
  • The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS.

Sep 2005-Sep 2006:
Teaching assistant for Master students:
Paris XI University, Orsay, France

  • teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.

Sep 2002-Sep 2005:
Teaching assistant for Master students:
Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France

  • teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.

Sep 2002-Dec 2002:
Invited researcher:
Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

  • Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm.

Mar 2002-Sep 2002:
Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation:
TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France

  • Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection.

Mar 2001-Sep 2001:
Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics:
UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France

  • Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.

Jan 2000-Mar 2000:
Training course in non-linear Optics:
Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France

  • Simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++)
Changed lines 114-172 from:

Employment History

Training course in non-linear Optics:
Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France

  • Simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++)

Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics:
UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France

  • Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.

Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation:
TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France

  • Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection.

Invited researcher:
Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

  • Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm.

Teaching assistant for Master students:
Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France

  • teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.

Teaching assistant for Master students:
Paris XI University, Orsay, France

  • teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.

Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
  • A confidence measure is computed for manual correction.
  • The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS.

Jul2008-Jan2010 Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed G. Degottex

Jan 2010-Jun2011 Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation.
  • The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.

October 27, 2010, at 06:28 PM by -
Changed line 58 from:

Secondary education\\


Secondary education

Changed lines 65-119 from:

jan 2000-mar 2000:
Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France Training course in non-linear Optics simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++)

mar 2001-sept 2001:
UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.

mar 2002-sep 2002 TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection. Reason for leaving: none

sep2002-dec2002 Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Invited researcher Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm. Reason for leaving: none

sep2002-sep2005 Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France Teaching assistant for Master students Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.

sep2002-sep2005 Paris XI University, Orsay, France Teaching assistant for Master students C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.

Jan2007-Jun2008 Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project. I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text. A confidence measure is computed for manual correction. The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS.

Jul2008-January 10

Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project. I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed by one of my colleagues. Reason for leaving: end of the contract

Jan 2010-Jun 2011 Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project. I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation. The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.


Training course in non-linear Optics:
Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France

  • Simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++)

Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics:
UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France

  • Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.

Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation:
TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France

  • Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection.

Invited researcher:
Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

  • Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm.

Teaching assistant for Master students:
Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France

  • teaching: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.

Teaching assistant for Master students:
Paris XI University, Orsay, France

  • teaching: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.

Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text.
  • A confidence measure is computed for manual correction.
  • The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS.

Jul2008-Jan2010 Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed G. Degottex

Jan 2010-Jun2011 Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project:
Ircam, Paris, France

  • I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features.
  • I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation.
  • The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.
October 27, 2010, at 06:22 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:

Ingénieur Telecom INT: Master Degree in Telecommunications (french Grande Ecole)\\


DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\

Deleted lines 28-33:
  • With honors
  • Keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.

DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety
Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France.

Added lines 39-44:

Ingénieur Telecom INT: Master Degree in Telecommunications (french Grande Ecole)
Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France.

  • With honors
  • Keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.
October 27, 2010, at 06:21 PM by -
Deleted line 58:


Deleted lines 60-69:
Changed lines 66-70 from:

Employer 1 Name of Employer: Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France Job title, description of duties and responsabilities: Training course in non-linear Optics: simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++) Reason for leaving: none


Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France Training course in non-linear Optics simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++)

Changed lines 72-76 from:

Employer 2 Name of Employer: UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics: Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration. Reason for leaving: none


UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration.

Changed lines 78-80 from:

Employer 3 Name of Employer: TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation: Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection.


TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection.

Changed lines 84-86 from:

Employer 4 Name of Employer: Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Invited researcher. Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm.


Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Invited researcher Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm.

Deleted lines 88-93:

sep2002-september2005 Employer 5 Name of Employer: Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Teaching assistant for master students in the following courses: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor. Reason for leaving: none

Changed lines 90-94 from:

Employer 6 Name of Employer: Paris XI University, Orsay, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Teaching assistant for Master students in the following courses: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor. Reason for leaving: none


Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France Teaching assistant for Master students Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor.

sep2002-sep2005 Paris XI University, Orsay, France Teaching assistant for Master students C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor.

Changed lines 102-104 from:

Employer 7 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project.


Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project.

Changed lines 106-107 from:

Reason for leaving: end of the contract

Changed lines 108-111 from:

Employer 8 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in French ANR Affective Avatars project. I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I also developped a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developped by one of my colleagues.


Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developer in French ANR Affective Avatars project. I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I also developed a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developed by one of my colleagues.

Changed lines 116-151 from:

Employer 9 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in AngelStudio project. I am developping a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation. The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences. Reason for leaving: end of the contract

2002-2006 :
Phd in Statistical Signal Processing - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Title : Unsupervised Signal Segmentation Using Triplet Markov Chains.

2000-2002 :
M.S. in Telecommunications - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Image processing.

2001-2002 :
M.S. in system optimisation and safety (mention Bien) - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Decision in Signal and Image processing.

2000-2001 :
M.S. ATIAM (mention AB) - Paris VI University

  • Acoustic, Signal Processing and computer science applied to Music.

1997-2000 :
B.S. in Physics (mention AB) - Evry-val-d'Essonne University

1995-1997 :
Degree in Physics - ''Evry-val-d'Essonne University ''

« Audio Engineer Diploma» - ''School of Audio Engineering, Paris Sound technics.''


Ircam, Paris, France Researcher and developer in AngelStudio project. I am developing a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation. The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences.

October 27, 2010, at 06:15 PM by -
Changed lines 58-69 from:

Secondary education in Sciences


Secondary education

  • General education in Sciences
October 27, 2010, at 06:10 PM by -
Changed lines 18-67 from:

2002-2006 :
Phd in Statistical Signal Processing - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Title : Unsupervised Signal Segmentation Using Triplet Markov Chains.

2000-2002 :
M.S. in Telecommunications - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Image processing.

2001-2002 :
M.S. in system optimisation and safety (mention Bien) - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Decision in Signal and Image processing.

2000-2001 :
M.S. ATIAM (mention AB) - Paris VI University

  • Acoustic, Signal Processing and computer science applied to Music.

1997-2000 :
B.S. in Physics (mention AB) - Evry-val-d'Essonne University

1995-1997 :
Degree in Physics - ''Evry-val-d'Essonne University ''

« Audio Engineer Diploma» - ''School of Audio Engineering, Paris Sound technics.''

Secondary education in Sciences

Audio engineer diploma - School of Audio Engineering Institute, SAE Paris, France

  • a two years degree in sound audio technics
  • Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.

Evry-val-d'Essonne University, Evry, France Bachelor and first year of Master of Science in Physics (Deug, licence and maitrise de Physique in French) with honors keywords: Statistical Physics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Electronics, Numerical Analysis

DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music
Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France with honors keywords: Acoustics(general and musical), Audio-numerical signal processing, Computer Science for Music.

DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\


Phd in Statistical Signal Processing\\

Changed lines 21-24 from:
  • Major: signal processing and decision theory.
  • with honors
  • keywords: Logistic, Risk management, System diagnostic, Decision theory in Signal and Image.
  • Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • Director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • With honors (mention très honorable)
  • Keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
Changed lines 29-33 from:
  • with honors
  • keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.

Phd in Statistical Signal Processing\\

  • With honors
  • Keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.

DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\

Changed lines 35-40 from:
  • Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • Director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • with honors (mention très honorable)
  • Keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
  • Major: signal processing and decision theory.
  • With honors (mention B)
  • Keywords: Logistic, Risk management, System diagnostic, Decision theory in Signal and Image.

DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music
Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France

  • With honors (mention AB)
  • Keywords: Acoustics(general and musical), Audio-numerical signal processing, Computer Science for Music.

Deug, licence and maitrise de Physique: Bachelor and first year of Master of Science in Physics
Evry-val-d'Essonne University, Evry, France

  • With honors (mention AB)
  • Keywords: Statistical Physics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Electronics, Numerical Analysis

Audio engineer diploma
School of Audio Engineering Institute, SAE Paris, France

  • a two years degree in sound audio technics
  • Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.

Secondary education in Sciences

October 27, 2010, at 06:04 PM by -
Changed lines 61-62 from:

Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music\\


DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music\\

Changed lines 67-68 from:

Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\


DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\

Changed line 74 from:

Ingénieur Telecom INT: Master Degree in Telecommunications\\


Ingénieur Telecom INT: Master Degree in Telecommunications (french Grande Ecole)\\

October 27, 2010, at 06:03 PM by -
Changed lines 60-61 from:

''Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France '''DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music


Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music
Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France

Added lines 68-69:

Master Degree in System optimization and safety\\

Deleted line 70:

DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety

Added line 76:

Ingénieur Telecom INT: Master Degree in Telecommunications\\

Deleted line 77:

Master Degree (french Grande Ecole engineering degree) in Telecommunications

Changed lines 81-82 from:



Phd in Statistical Signal Processing\\

Deleted line 83:

Phd in Statistical Signal Processing

October 27, 2010, at 05:59 PM by -
Changed lines 54-55 from:

Institution 2 : Evry-val-d'Essonne University, Evry, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Bachelor and first year of Master of Science in Physics (Deug, licence and maitrise de Physique in French)


Evry-val-d'Essonne University, Evry, France Bachelor and first year of Master of Science in Physics (Deug, licence and maitrise de Physique in French)

Changed lines 60-61 from:

Institution 3 Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french DEA) in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music


''Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France '''DEA ATIAM: Master Degree in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music

Changed lines 66-70 from:

Institution 4 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french DEA) in System optimization and safety with a specialization in signal processing and decision theory. with honors keywords: Logistic, Risk management, System diagnostic, Decision theory in Signal and Image.


Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. DEA OSS: Master Degree in System optimization and safety

  • Major: signal processing and decision theory.
  • with honors
  • keywords: Logistic, Risk management, System diagnostic, Decision theory in Signal and Image.
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Institution 5 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french Grande Ecole engineering degree) in Telecommunications with honors keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.


Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Master Degree (french Grande Ecole engineering degree) in Telecommunications

  • with honors
  • keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.
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Institution 6 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Phd in Statistical Signal Processing, Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation". Director: Wojciech Pieczynski. with honors (mention très honorable) keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.


Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Phd in Statistical Signal Processing

  • Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation"
  • Director: Wojciech Pieczynski.
  • with honors (mention très honorable)
  • Keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.
October 27, 2010, at 05:55 PM by -
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School of Audio Engineering Institute, Paris, France - Audio engineering diploma

  • two years degree in Sounds audio technics
  • Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.

Audio engineer diploma - School of Audio Engineering Institute, SAE Paris, France

  • a two years degree in sound audio technics
  • Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.
October 27, 2010, at 05:53 PM by -
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Secondary education : Qualification gained and subjects studied Scientific education


Secondary education in Sciences

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Institution 1 : School of Audio Engineering Institute, Paris, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Audio engineering diploma : two years degree in Sounds audio technics Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.


School of Audio Engineering Institute, Paris, France - Audio engineering diploma

  • two years degree in Sounds audio technics
  • Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.
October 27, 2010, at 05:45 PM by -
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Secondary education : Qualification gained and subjects studied Scientific education

Institution 1 : School of Audio Engineering Institute, Paris, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Audio engineering diploma : two years degree in Sounds audio technics Keywords: studio and live recording technics, sonorisation, Acoustics, mastering.

Institution 2 : Evry-val-d'Essonne University, Evry, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Bachelor and first year of Master of Science in Physics (Deug, licence and maitrise de Physique in French) with honors keywords: Statistical Physics, Optics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Electronics, Numerical Analysis

Institution 3 Paris VI University/IRCAM, Paris, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french DEA) in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Computer science applied to Music with honors keywords: Acoustics(general and musical), Audio-numerical signal processing, Computer Science for Music.

Institution 4 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french DEA) in System optimization and safety with a specialization in signal processing and decision theory. with honors keywords: Logistic, Risk management, System diagnostic, Decision theory in Signal and Image.

Institution 5 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France. Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Master Degree (french Grande Ecole engineering degree) in Telecommunications with honors keywords: Signal processing, Computer Science, Probability and statistics, graph optimization, numerical analysis, Information theory, numerical communication, optical communications, Network-TCP/IP, Specialization in statistical image processing during the last year.

2002-2006 Institution 6 Institut National des télécommunications, Evry, France Qualifications gained and subjects studied: Phd in Statistical Signal Processing, Title "Triplet Markov chains and Unsupervised signal segmentation". Director: Wojciech Pieczynski. with honors (mention très honorable) keywords: Hidden Markov Models, Pairwise and triplet Markov chains and trees, Bayesian estimation, Expectation-maximisation, non-stationary process segmentation, centered gaussian process with long memory noise, Dempster-shafer theory, SAR image segmentation.

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Employment History

jan 2000-mar 2000:
Employer 1 Name of Employer: Photonics and nanostructure laboratory, CNET Bagneux, France Job title, description of duties and responsabilities: Training course in non-linear Optics: simulation of the propagation of a gaussian beam in a non-linear medium (C++) Reason for leaving: none

mar 2001-sept 2001:
Employer 2 Name of Employer: UER de Mécanique, ENSTA Palaiseau, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Master Training course in non-linear Mechanics: Analytical and numerical study of the temporal response of a circular plates involving a set of internal resonances in the context of non linear vibration. Reason for leaving: none

mar 2002-sep 2002 Employer 3 Name of Employer: TBU Radar Development, THALES Air Defence, Bagneux, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Master Training course in statistical RADAR image segmentation: Study of statistical radar image segmentation algorithm in the application field of Doppler cartography in order to reduce false alarm in RADAR detection. Reason for leaving: none

sep2002-dec2002 Employer 4 Name of Employer: Ocean Systems Laboratory, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Invited researcher. Study and evaluation of SONAR images segmentation algorithm. Reason for leaving: none

sep2002-september2005 Employer 5 Name of Employer: Institut National des telecommunications, Evry, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Teaching assistant for master students in the following courses: Introduction to Statistics, algorithmic and C language, statistical methods in Image processing, final projects supervisor. Reason for leaving: none

sep2002-sep2005 Employer 6 Name of Employer: Paris XI University, Orsay, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Teaching assistant for Master students in the following courses: C language, UNIX, numerical analysis, multimedia (coding), System and Network, final projects supervisor. Reason for leaving: none

Jan2007-Jun2008 Employer 7 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in French ANR VIVOS project. I developped a segmentation system based on HTK and on the french phonetizer LIAPHON to automatically extract the language structure at different level (phone, word, phrase, paragraph) and to align it on speech audio signal. Multiple pronunciation are possible using a constrained phonetic graph build from the text. A confidence measure is computed for manual correction. The aligned linguistic structure was used in the project by ircamCorpusTools, a corpus manager tool similar to festival, which was developped for Unit selection TTS. Reason for leaving: end of the contract

Jul2008-January 10 Employer 8 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in French ANR Affective Avatars project. I developped a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I also developped a HMM-based speech synthesis system for French based on HTS including a new excitation model developped by one of my colleagues. Reason for leaving: end of the contract

Jan 2010-Jun 2011 Employer 9 Name of Employer: Ircam, Paris, France Job Title, description of duties and responsabilities: Researcher and developper in AngelStudio project. I am developping a Voice conversion system based on GMM modeling of the joint law of source and target acoustic features. I am also implementing a one-to-many voice conversion system based on a canonical eigenvoice model estimated by SAT for fast Adaptation. The aim of VC in this project is to converted the voice of a commercial TTS to the voice of the user using few sentences. Reason for leaving: end of the contract

October 27, 2010, at 05:27 PM by -
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October 27, 2010, at 05:27 PM by -
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2002-2006 :
Phd in Statistical Signal Processing - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Title : Unsupervised Signal Segmentation Using Triplet Markov Chains.

2000-2002 :
M.S. in Telecommunications - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Image processing.

2001-2002 :
M.S. in system optimisation and safety (mention Bien) - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Decision in Signal and Image processing.

2000-2001 :
M.S. ATIAM (mention AB) - Paris VI University

  • Acoustic, Signal Processing and computer science applied to Music.

1997-2000 :
B.S. in Physics (mention AB) - Evry-val-d'Essonne University

1995-1997 :
Degree in Physics - ''Evry-val-d'Essonne University ''

« Audio Engineer Diploma» - ''School of Audio Engineering, Paris Sound technics.''

October 27, 2010, at 05:25 PM by -
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Research Interests

  • Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for Image and Speech processing
  • Speech recognition
  • HMM Speech synthesis (HTS)
  • Voice Conversion
  • Signal and Image Segmentation
  • Data fusion


2002-2006 :
Phd in Statistical Signal Processing - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Title : Unsupervised Signal Segmentation Using Triplet Markov Chains.

2000-2002 :
M.S. in Telecommunications - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Image processing.

2001-2002 :
M.S. in system optimisation and safety (mention Bien) - Institut National des Télécommunications

  • Major: Decision in Signal and Image processing.

2000-2001 :
M.S. ATIAM (mention AB) - Paris VI University

  • Acoustic, Signal Processing and computer science applied to Music.

1997-2000 :
B.S. in Physics (mention AB) - Evry-val-d'Essonne University

1995-1997 :
Degree in Physics - ''Evry-val-d'Essonne University ''

« Audio Engineer Diploma» - ''School of Audio Engineering, Paris Sound technics.''

October 27, 2010, at 05:23 PM by -
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HMM-based Speech Segmentation


HMM-based Speech Segmentation


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Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis


Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

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Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion


Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

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Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features


Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features

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A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods


A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods

October 27, 2010, at 05:22 PM by -
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Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis


HMM-based Speech Segmentation

Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.

HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

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Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion


Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

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Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features


Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features

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A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods


A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods

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Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints

Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.

October 27, 2010, at 05:21 PM by -
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October 27, 2010, at 05:20 PM by -
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October 27, 2010, at 05:19 PM by -
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Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.


Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.

October 27, 2010, at 05:11 PM by -
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Presentation ircamAlign: Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with relaxed textual constraints


Speaking Style Modeling of Various Discourse Genres in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

This paper presents an approach for modeling speaking style of various discourse genres in speech synthesis. The proposed approach is based on phonological and acoustic average discourse genre - dependent speaking style parametric models. The phonological module models the average abstract prosodic structure of a specific discourse genre. The acoustic module jointly models average speaking style voice and prosodic cues of a given discourse genre. Discourse genre - dependent speaking style models have been estimated for 4 discourses genres and evaluated on a speaking style prosodic identification perceptual experiment. A comparison with speaking style identification on real speech is discussed and reveals consistent performance of the proposed approach.

Dynamic Model Selection for spectral Voice Conversion

Statistical methods for voice conversion are usually based on a signle model selected in order to represent a tradeoff between goodness of fit and complexity. In this paper we assume that the best model may change over time, depending on the source acoustic features. We present a new method for spectral voice conversion called Dynamic Model Selection (DMS), in which a set of potential best models with increasing complexity - including mixture of Gaussian and probabilistic principal component analyzers - are considered during the conversion of a source speech signal into a target speech signal. This set is built during the learning phase, according to the Bayes information criterion. During the conversion, the best model is dynamically selected among the models in the set, according to the acoustical features of each frame. Subjective tests show that the method improves the conversion in terms of proximity to the target and quality.

Toward Improved HMM-based Speech Synthesis using High-Level Syntactical Features

A major drawback of current Hidden Markov Model-based speech synthesis is the monotony of the generated speech which is closely related to the monotony of the generated prosody. Complementary to model-oriented approaches that aim to increase the prosodic variability by reducing the "oversmoothing" effect, this paper presents a linguistic-oriented approaches in which high level linguistic features are extracted from text in order to improve prosody modeling. A linguistic processing chain based on linguistic preprocessing, morpho-syntactical labeling, and syntactical parsing is used to extract high-level syntactical features from an input text. Sych linguistic features are then introduces into a HMM-based speech synthesis system to model prosodic variations (f0, duration, and spectral variations). Subjective evaluation reveals that the proposed approach significantly improve speech synthesis compared to a baseline model, even if such improvement depends of the observed llinguisitc phenomenon.

A HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Methods

This paper introduces a HMM-based speech synthesis system which uses a new method for the separation of vocal-tract and Liljencrants-Fant model plus Noise (SVLN). The glottal source is separated into two components: a deterministic glottal waveform Liljencrants-Fant model and a modulated Gaussian noise. This glottal source is first estimated and then used in the vocal-tract estimation procedure. Then, the parameters of the source and the vocal-tract are included into HMM contextual models of phonems. SVLN is promising for voice transformation in synthesis of expressive speech since it allows an independent control of vocal-tract and glottal-source properties. the synthesis results are finally discussed and subjectively evaluated.

Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints

Speech synthesis by unit selection requires the segmentation of a large single speaker high quality recording. Automatic speech recognition techniques based on Hidden Markov Models can be optimized for maximum segmentation accuracy. This paper presents the results of tuning suc a phome segmentation system. Firstly using no text transcription, the design of an HMM phoneme recognizer is optimized subject to a phonem bigram language model. Optimal perforamnce is obtained with triphone models, 7 states per phoneme and 5 Gaussians per stat, reaching 94,4% phoneme recognition accuracy with 95.2% of phoneme boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Secondly, using the textual information modeled by a multi pronunciation phonetic graph built according to errors found in the first step, the reported phoneme recognition accuracy increases to 96,8% with 96,1% of phonem boundaries within 70ms of hand labelled boundaries. Finally, the results from these two segmentation methods based on different phonetic graphs, the evaluation set, the hand labelling and the test procedures are discussed and possible improvments are proposed.

October 27, 2010, at 04:38 PM by -
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Presentation ircamAlign: Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with relaxed textual constraints