How to get to the Noise Transmission Festival

Area Map of Aachen (GIF, 14.5KB)

Local Map

Note: The local map is, for aesthetical reasons, in a different orientation than the area map. You have to turn it approximately 135 degrees clockwise to match the area map. Also, the area map does neither show Vereinsstraße, nor Hackländerstraße.

local map


The Autonomes Zentrum (AZ) is situated in the center of Aachen, 1 min. walking distance from the Central Station (Hauptbahnhof/HBF).

The Central Station (Bahnhof/HBF) can be found easiliy from either exit.

For a detailed map call the infoline +49 +241/404201.


Autonomes Zentrum, Vereinsstraße 25, 52062 Aachen, Germany

For requests and information about the Noise Transmission Festival, please refer to Lutz Bauer, Alexanderstr. 86, 52062 Aachen, fon +49 +241/404201, fax +49 +2561/913718210, e-mail

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