Previous Contents


  • European Conference on Speech Tech., 11
  • Eyrolles: Informatiques magazine, 6
  • edwards93, 10
  • escher, 11
  • et al., 10

  • Faure, A., 8
  • Fineberg, J., 7
  • Fischer, A., 2
  • Fitz, K., 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11
  • François, D., 11
  • François, D., 11
  • Freed, A., 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • Friedman, J., 12
  • Fukunaga, K., 12
  • farinelli, 11
  • fft-1, 11
  • fft-2, 11
  • fft-2-short, 11
  • fft-3, 11
  • fft-3-short, 11
  • fof, 11
  • fof-short, 11
  • fof2, 11
  • fts, 11
  • fts-basics, 11
  • fukunaga90, 12

  • Galas, T., 11, 11, 11, 11
  • Gales, M. J. F., 12
  • García, G., 11, 11, 11
  • Garcia, G., 11, 11
  • Garrison, L. F., 2
  • Geneve, 11
  • Georg Olms Verlag, 11
  • George, E. B., 4, 4
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, 13
  • Gerson, I., 10
  • Ghezzi, C., 6
  • Ghitza, O., 10
  • Gilman, A., 13
  • Glasgow, 11
  • Gosselin, B., 13
  • Gray, A., 11
  • Greece, 13
  • Gribonval, R., 11, 11
  • Griffin, D., 10
  • ghitza97, 10
  • grey80, 11
  • griffin88, 10

  • Haken, L., 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11
  • Halle, M., 10
  • Hamming, R. W., 11, 11
  • Hanappe, P., 7
  • Hansen, J. H. L., 10
  • Hanson, B. A., 1
  • Harper & Row, 10
  • Henrich, N., 11
  • Hermansky, H., 1, 1, 10, 10
  • Herrera, P., 9, 9, 11, 11
  • Hess, W., 10
  • Higuchi, N., 5
  • Hildesheim, 11
  • Hirschberg, J., 10, 10
  • Holloway, B., 11, 11
  • Holmes, J. N., 11, 11
  • Hong-Kong, 13
  • Honolulu, HI, 5
  • Horner, A., 9, 9, 9, 9
  • Hosom, P., 4
  • Howell, P., 11
  • HRMP, 11
  • HRMP2, 11
  • Huang, X. D., 10
  • Hubbard, B. B., 11
  • Human Communication Research Centre, 5, 5
  • Hunt, A. J., 5
  • hamming77, 11
  • hamming77-short, 11
  • hansen98, 10
  • helmholtz, 11
  • helmholtz-reprint, 11
  • hirschberg91, 10
  • hmm, 11
  • hmm-short, 11
  • holmes83, 11
  • holmes83-short, 11
  • horner96, 9
  • horner98, 9
  • huang96, 10

  • IBspline, 11
  • ICS94, 11
  • ICSPAT, 11, 11
  • IEEE ASSP Workshop on App. of Sig. Proc. to Audio and Acoust., 11
  • IEEE Computer Society Press, 6
  • IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 11
  • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, 11
  • IEEE TASSP, 11
  • IEEE Trans., 11, 11
  • IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, 10
  • IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., 11
  • IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 10, 10
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 12
  • IEEE Transactions on Speech and Acoustics, 10
  • IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 4, 4
  • IEEE Transactions on signal processing, 11
  • IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 11
  • IEEE Workshop on Speech coding, 11, 11
  • Important, 13
  • Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, 11
  • International Computer Music Association, 11
  • International computer science series, 11
  • IRCAM, 11
  • ISMA, 11
  • Isard, A., 5
  • Iwahashi, N., 10
  • iau, 11
  • instrument-character, 11
  • ivar, 6

  • J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 9, 9
  • J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 4
  • Jackson, M., 11
  • Jackson, M. A., 11
  • Jacobson, I., 6
  • Jazayeri, M., 6
  • Jenolan Caves, Australia, 2, 2, 2
  • Jensen-Link, L., 4, 4
  • Joint Meeting of ASA, EAA, and DAGA, 2
  • Journal of New Music Research, 12
  • Journal of Phonetics, 10
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 10
  • Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 9, 9
  • Journal of time series analysis, 11
  • Junqua, J. C., 10
  • jackson1, 11
  • jackson2, 11
  • jmax2000, 11
  • jmax2000-short, 11
  • jmax99, 11
  • jmax99-short, 11

  • Kaiki, N., 10
  • Kain, A., 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
  • Kaiser, E., 4
  • Karaali, O., 10
  • Karel Pala, 1, 13
  • Khoury, S., 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
  • Klatt, D. H., 10
  • Kluwer Academic Publ., 11
  • Kopecek, I., 1, 13
  • Kossentini, F., 4
  • karaali96, 10

  • Laboissière, R., 10
  • Lai, W. M., 4
  • Laroche, J., 13
  • Laurson, M., 7, 7
  • Lefèvre, A., 11, 11, 11
  • Levine, S. N., 14
  • Levy, G., 11
  • Lim, J., 10
  • Lindsay, A., 14
  • London, 11, 11
  • Lorensen, W., 6
  • Loureiro, R., 9, 9, 11, 11
  • lemur95, 11
  • lemur95-short, 11
  • levine:thesis, 14
  • loris2000a, 9
  • loris2000a-short, 9
  • loris2000b, 9
  • loris2000b-short, 9

  • Möbius, B., 10
  • Macon, M., 4, 4, 4
  • Macon, M. W., 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 13
  • Madrid, Spain, 5
  • Maggi, E., 11, 11
  • Malfrère, F., 13
  • Malfrere, F., 13, 13, 13, 13, 13
  • Malfrere_HighQual_EURO97, 13
  • Mallat, S., 11, 11, 11
  • Mandrioli, D., 6
  • Markel, J., 11
  • Marseille, 8, 8
  • Masaryk University Press, 1, 13
  • Massaro, D., 4
  • Mathews, M., 11
  • Matousek, V., 1, 13
  • McAdams, S., 8, 8, 9
  • McCree, A., 4
  • Meldrum, J., 11
  • Merchant, G. A., 11
  • Mertens, M. B. P., 13
  • Mertens, P., 10
  • Meyer, H., 4
  • MIT Press, 11
  • Mohonk, 11
  • Momeni, A., 3, 3
  • Monterey, CA, 12
  • Moore, B. C. J., 8
  • Morgan, N., 10
  • Moulines, E., 10, 11, 11, 11, 13
  • MPEG Audio Subgroup, the., 14
  • MPEG7:audio-faq, 14
  • MPEG7:www, 14
  • MPEG:audio-faq, 14
  • Mueller, K., 4
  • MultiscaleEdges, 11
  • macon-thesis96, 13
  • mallat, 11
  • marine-thesis, 11
  • marine-thesis-short, 11
  • marine1, 11
  • marine97, 11
  • max, 11
  • moebius93, 10
  • moore89, 8

  • N. Delprat, 11
  • Nagl, M., 11
  • Nakajima, S., 10
  • New Paltz, New York, 11
  • New York, 4, 10, 11, 12
  • New York, NY, 6, 10
  • Nocerino, N., 10
  • Nock, H. J., 12
  • North Holland, 10
  • nagl, 11
  • nakajima94, 10
  • nat, 11
  • newposs, 11
  • nlp:tsdproc213-218, 1
  • nocerino85, 10
  • nock97, 12

  • OASIS, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, 6
  • Olive, J., 10
  • Oliverio, J., 4, 4
  • Olivier_SimpAnd_EURO97, 13
  • Olshen, R., 12
  • OM2000, 7
  • OM2000-short, 7
  • OM2000-sshort, 7
  • OM97, 7
  • OM98, 7
  • OM99, 7
  • OM99-short, 7
  • Oppenheim, A. V., 11, 11
  • Orio, N., 11, 11
  • Orlando, 7
  • Ostermann, J., 2
  • Oswald, J., 14, 14
  • Oudot, M., 11, 11
  • Oudot, M. C., 11, 11
  • Oxford, 11
  • omt, 6
  • others, 3, 3, 12

  • P. Guillemain, 11
  • Pätzold, M., 10
  • Pagel, V., 13, 13, 13
  • Paris, 11, 11
  • Paris, France, 6, 11, 11
  • Parks, T. W., 11
  • PEET981, 7
  • PEET983, 7
  • PEET991, 7
  • PEET992, 7
  • Peeters, G., 7, 7, 7, 7
  • Petr Sojka, 1, 13
  • Ph. Guillemain, 11
  • Ph. Tchamitchian, 11
  • Ph.D. Dissertation, 14
  • Phanouriou, C., 6
  • PhD thesis, 10, 13
  • Philadelphia, PA, 13, 16
  • Physics Today, 11
  • Pielemeier, W. J., 9
  • Pierret, N., 13, 13
  • Pittsburgh, 9, 9
  • Pocono Manor, 11, 11
  • Poirot, G., 11, 11
  • Portland, OR, 4, 4
  • Potard, Y., 11, 11, 11
  • Premerlani, W., 6
  • Prentice-Hall PTR, 6
  • Prentice--Hall, 6, 6, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • Prentice--Hall Intern., 11
  • Prentice--Hall International series in computer science, 11
  • Prentice-Hall, 10
  • Proc. AES, 9
  • Proc. EUROSPEECH, 10, 13
  • Proc. EUROSPEECH 97, 16
  • Proc. European Conference on Signal Processing (EUSIPCO'98), 13
  • Proc. Eurospeech, 11, 11
  • Proc. Eurospeech '95, 5
  • Proc. Eurospeech '97, 5, 5, 5, 10, 12, 13, 13, 13
  • Proc. ICASSP '94, 13
  • Proc. ICASSP '96, 5
  • Proc. ICMC, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • Proc. ICSLP '96, 13, 16
  • Proc. IEEE Intl. Symp. Time--Frequency/Time--Scale, 9
  • Proc. IEEE Time--Frequency/Time--Scale Workshop, 11
  • Proc. International Conference on Speech and Language Processing, 13
  • Proc. ISCAS 97, 13
  • Proc. of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 4, 4, 4, 4
  • Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 10, 10
  • Proc. of the Int'l Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, 10
  • Proc. of World Congress on Neural Networks, 10
  • Proc. ICASSP98, 2
  • Proc. ICSLP98, 2, 2, 2
  • Proceedings of Eurospeech, 10
  • Proceedings of the 19th International Computer Music Conference, 11
  • Proceedings of the 3rd ESCA/COCOSDA International Speech Synthesis Workshop, 4, 4
  • Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society, 9
  • Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1
  • Proceedings of the IEEE Intl. Symp. on Time--Frequency/Time--Scale, 9
  • Proceedings of the IEEE Time--Frequency and Time--Scale Workshop (TFTS), 11, 11
  • Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 3, 3, 7, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, 10
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 4, 10
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'96), 4
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'97), 4
  • Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), 4
  • Program for SMPC95, Society for Music Perception and Cognition, 9
  • Pt. 2, 4
  • Puckette, M., 11, 11, 11
  • Purnhagen, H., 14
  • plexure, 14
  • plunderphonics, 14
  • pm, 11
  • prosody-tilt, 11
  • psola92, 10
  • psy:faure97, 8
  • psy:susini97, 8
  • psycho, 11

  • Quackenbush, S. R., 10
  • quackenbush88, 10

  • R. Kronland-Martinet, 11, 11
  • Rabiner, L. R., 10
  • Redwood City, Calif., 6
  • Rhodes, Greece, 5, 5, 5, 10, 12, 13, 13, 13, 16
  • Ridges, 11
  • Ridges2, 11
  • Risset, J., 11
  • Roads, C., 11
  • Robinson, T., 10, 11
  • Rochebois, T., 12
  • Rodet, X., 3, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12
  • Rogers, C., 11
  • Rosen, S., 11
  • Rosenberg, A., 10
  • Rovan, J., 11
  • Rueda, C., 7, 7, 7
  • Ruelle, A., 13
  • Rumbaugh, J., 6
  • Rundle, B., 4
  • roads, 11
  • rochebois97, 12

  • S. Mallat, 11
  • S. Zhong, 11
  • Saeuberlich, B., 4
  • Sagisaka, Y., 10, 10, 10
  • San Francisco, 10
  • Schafer, R. W., 11
  • Schalkwyk, J., 4
  • Scheirer, E., 3
  • Scheirer, E. D., 3
  • Schnell, N., 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • School of Music, University of Illinois, 9
  • Schroeter, J., 2, 2, 13
  • Schwartz, J. L., 10
  • Schwarz, D., 3, 3, 7, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11
  • SEAMUS'98, 9
  • Serra, X., 3, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11
  • Shobaki, K., 4
  • Shuster, J. E., 6
  • Sidney, Australia, 13
  • Signal Processing Series, 11, 11
  • Simon, J. C., 11
  • Smith, J., 9
  • Smith, M., 4
  • Société Française d'Acoustique, 8, 8
  • Software, R., 6
  • Sommerville, I., 11
  • Sondhi, M. M., 10
  • Soong, F., 10
  • Soong, F. K., 10
  • Speech, 4
  • Speech and Signal Processing, 10
  • Speech Communication, 10, 10, 10, 13
  • Springer, 11, 11, 11
  • Springer compass, 11
  • Springer-Verlag, 10
  • Sproat, R., 5, 10
  • Statistics/Probability Series, 12
  • Stone, C., 12
  • Stroppa, M., 7, 7, 7
  • Stuttgart, Germany, 11, 11, 11
  • Stylianou, Y., 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 13, 13, 16
  • Stylianou, Y. G., 2
  • Stylianou_DecoOf_ICSLP96, 16
  • Susini, P., 8
  • Sutton, S., 4
  • Syrdal, A., 2
  • Syrdal, A. K., 2, 2, 2
  • Szyperski, C., 6
  • Szyperski98, 6
  • sagisaka88, 10
  • sagisaka92, 10
  • sdif-ext2000, 7
  • sdif-manual, 11
  • sms90, 9
  • sms97, 9
  • sms97-short, 9
  • softeng, 6
  • sommerville, 11
  • soong88, 10
  • specenv-rod, 11
  • specenv-rod-short, 11
  • speech, 10
  • speechana, 11
  • speechsyn96, 10
  • splinelpc, 11
  • splines, 11
  • stylianou:eurospeech95, 13

  • Talking Machines: Theories, Models, and Designs, 10
  • Tanenblatt, M., 5
  • Taylor, P., 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
  • Teague, K. A., 11
  • Tech. Rep. CSE-97-007, 4
  • Tech. Rep. CSE-98-015, 4
  • Technical Report, 5, 5
  • Tessaloniki, 9, 9, 11
  • Tessaloniki, Greece, 11, 11, 12
  • Thèse, 11, 11
  • The 3rd ESCA/COCOSDA Workshop on Speech Synthesis, 2, 2, 2
  • The Charles F. Goldfarb series on open information management, 6
  • Thessaloniki, Greece, 7
  • Thom, D., 14
  • Tishby, N., 12
  • TO BE FOUND, 5, 5, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13
  • Traber, C., 10
  • Tubach, J. P., 10
  • Tuerk, C., 10
  • tcts:eurosp97, 13
  • tcts:euspico98, 13
  • tcts:icslp98-fmodtd, 13
  • tcts:iscas97, 13
  • tcts:speechcomm96, 13
  • tcts:tsd98, 13
  • tcts:www, 13
  • thelongestandmostharmlessentry, 14
  • toeplitz, 11
  • traber92, 10
  • tuerk93, 10

  • Univ. Calif. Berkeley, 9
  • Universität Stuttgart, Fakultät Informatik, 11, 11
  • Universität Stuttgart, Informatik, 11
  • Université Paris XI, 12
  • University of Kent at Canterbury, 11
  • Unser, M., 11
  • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA, 6
  • Urbana, IL, 9
  • Utting, I. A., 11
  • udi, 11
  • uml-www, 6

  • Valbret, H., 10
  • Vermeulen, P., 4
  • Vieweg, 11
  • Virolle, D., 3, 11, 11
  • Viswanathan, V., 4
  • van Santen, J., 10
  • van der Van, V., 14
  • van der Vrecken Olivier, 13
  • von Helmholtz, H. L., 11, 11, 11
  • von Sachs, R., 11
  • von der Von, D., 14

  • W. H. Freeman and Co, 10
  • Wadsworth and Brooks, 12
  • Wadsworth Publishing Company, 12
  • Wakefield, G. H., 9, 9, 9
  • Wakita, H., 1
  • Walls, B., 11
  • Wanderley, M. M., 11
  • Wang, R., 3, 3
  • Wang, W. J., 10
  • Wang, Y., 2
  • Waseda University Center for Scholarly Information, 11
  • Washington, 6
  • Web Page, 5
  • Wessel, D., 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
  • Williams, S. M., 6
  • Winsberg, S., 8
  • Woehrmann, R., 3
  • Wokingham, 11
  • Wokingham [u.a.], 11
  • Wokingham, England, 6
  • Wouters, J., 4, 4, 4, 4
  • Wright, M., 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7
  • Wyngaard, P., 11
  • wakefield96, 9
  • wakefield98, 9
  • wakefield98-short, 9
  • wang93, 10
  • wavelets, 11

  • XML, 6
  • xspect, 11
  • xspect-manual, 11

  • Yallop, C., 11
  • Yan, Y., 4
  • Yang, P., 2
  • Yoshiharu, I., 5
  • Young, S., 12
  • Yuen, J., 9

  • Zicarelli, D., 3, 3, 11
  • Zwicker, E., 11
  • z, 11

Previous Contents