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Continuous-time System

From Section 2 we see that an input wave tex2html_wrap_inline846 is delayed by a time-varying input-delay tex2html_wrap_inline848 during its nonlinear propagation. The output wave tex2html_wrap_inline850 is observed tex2html_wrap_inline848 after it enters the waveguide: tex2html_wrap_inline854 . Using now a signal processing description, we express the output s at time t as a function of the present and past of the input e, which leads to tex2html_wrap_inline862 , where tex2html_wrap_inline864 is the output-delay.

Input-Delay to Output-Delay Conversion

In the linear approximation, the speed c is constant, so that the physical and signal processing points of view become identical and tex2html_wrap_inline868 . But when the speed c varies in time, no trivial relationship remains between tex2html_wrap_inline872 and tex2html_wrap_inline842 . Since the waveguide is to be modelled by a fractional delay filter, we have to design an efficient system for converting the input delay tex2html_wrap_inline842 into the output delay tex2html_wrap_inline872 , which controls the filter delay.

Formal Description

Let us define two time scales tex2html_wrap_inline880 and tex2html_wrap_inline882 , as:


These two time-scales being defined, we may recast the two primary relations describing the propagation as:


Under the constraint that tex2html_wrap_inline880 or tex2html_wrap_inline882 is reversiblegif, we deduce that the two time-scales are mutually reciprocals:


By introducing the definitions of tex2html_wrap_inline882 or tex2html_wrap_inline880 in Eq. 6, we obtain the final relations:


which may be recast as implicit equations using traditional notation:


Graphical Interpretation

Provided that tex2html_wrap_inline882 or tex2html_wrap_inline880 are inverse functions, their curves are symmetrical about the tex2html_wrap_inline900 axis, which also represents the identity time-scale (Fig. 2). In this graphical representation, tex2html_wrap_inline842 at time tex2html_wrap_inline904 measures the vertical distance between the axis of symmetry and curve tex2html_wrap_inline880 , whereas tex2html_wrap_inline872 measures the vertical distance between the axis and curve tex2html_wrap_inline882 , which is also the horizontal distance between the axis and the curve tex2html_wrap_inline880 .

Figure 2: Graphical interpretation

The graphical representation clearly proves that the tex2html_wrap_inline842 to tex2html_wrap_inline872 conversion is causal, since the horizontal line measuring tex2html_wrap_inline872 intersects the tex2html_wrap_inline880 curve on its left, corresponding to the past of the signal. In other words, knowing the past of tex2html_wrap_inline848 is sufficient to determine tex2html_wrap_inline864 .

System Interpretation

The input-output generic relation tex2html_wrap_inline862 is to be interpreted as the linear filtering of the input e(t) by a delay filter of delay tex2html_wrap_inline864 , but we get Eq. 8 by formally substituting e by tex2html_wrap_inline842 and s by tex2html_wrap_inline872 in this generic input-output relation. This is to be interpreted as a filtering relation between tex2html_wrap_inline842 and tex2html_wrap_inline872 (see Fig. 3). Thus the tex2html_wrap_inline842 to tex2html_wrap_inline872 convertion must be understood as a delay filter whose delay is controlled by its output. The feedback loop is the origin of the nonlinearity of the system.

Figure 3: Formal interpretation

Complete Delay-line Model

In Eq. 3 we note that the input-delay depends on the amplitude of the input wave. Provided that there exists an instantaneous one-to-one relation g between the input wave and the input-delay, tex2html_wrap_inline976 , we show in Eq. 9 that the output wave is deduced from tex2html_wrap_inline872 by applying the inverse relation tex2html_wrap_inline980 :


Therefore a complete continuous-time nonlinear one-way propagation model of the waveguide includes first a system mapping the input wave into a delay, then a delay filter controlled by feedback converting input-delay into output-delay, and finally a third system mapping back the delay into the output wave.

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Stephan Tassart
Tue Oct 14 16:22:45 MET DST 1997