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5.4   Partialsets

5.4.1   PmCreatePartialSet

PmPartialSet PmCreatePartialSet (int max_index)
Creates and returns a new PartialSet.

max_index is the greatest partial index the new PartialSet can initially hold. Reallocation of an existing PartialSet can be done later.

Returns NULL if there is no available memory.

5.4.2   PmReallocPartialSet

PmPartialSetPmReallocPartialSet (PmPartialSet aPS, int new_max_index)
Reallocates the input PartialSet aPS up to new_max_index.


If reallocation is successful, returns the same input PartialSet aPS with reallocated size.

If reallocation fails, returns NULL and the size of aPS remains unchanged.

If aPS is NULL, returns a new PartialSet of size new_max_index, or NULL if reallocation failed.

Most functions that operate on PartialSets provide for automatic reallocation. Only the PartialSet's data access functions require the application programmer to test allocation sizes before putting/getting data to/from a PartialSet.

5.4.3   PmFreePartialSet

void PmFreePartialSet (PmPartialSet aPS)
Frees PartialSet aPS.

5.4.4   PmReadPartialSet

int PmReadPartialSet (FILE *Stream, PmPartialSet aPS, int format_flag)
Reads one PartialSet aPS from the input Stream.

format_flag indicates the formatof the input stream.


1 if a PartialSet was read.

0 if EOF

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.5   PmWritePartialSet

int PmWritePartialSet (FILE *Stream, PmPartialSet aPS, int format_flag)
Writes one PartialSet aPS to the output Stream.

format_flag indicates the formatof the output stream.


1 if a PartialSet was written.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.6   PmCopyPartialSet

void PmCopyPartialSet (PmPartialSet source, PmPartialSet destination)
Copies data from PartialSet source to PartialSet destination.

Returns 1 if data were successfully copied, -1 if there is no available memory to copy all source data.

5.4.7   PmDetectSpectralPeaks

int PmDetectSpectralPeaks (float *complex_fft, PmPartialSet peaks, float srate, int fft_size, int window_size)
Fills peaks with peaks detected in the spectrum complex_fft.

Index values of PartialSet peaks do not correspond to partial indexes. They identify a peak in the spectrum.

Vector complex_fft contains FFT real part at even locations, and FFT imaginary part at odd locations.

srate : sampling rate

fft_size : number of complex fft points

window_size : number of points of the signal window


[number of peaks] if detection is successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.8   PmSeeve

int PmSeeve (PmPartialSet peaks, PmPartialSet harms, float f0, float band, float srate, int nbHarm)
Logical filtering of spectral peaks: selects the peak of greatest amplitude in each harmonic band.

peaks : input spectral peaks. Could be the output of PmDetectSpectralPeaks.

harms : output selected spectral peaks

f0 : fundamental frequency value

band : width of harmonic bands in pct (i.e. 100 means bandwidth = f0)

srate : sampling rate

nbHarm : max number of harmonics

Returns ?

5.4.9   PmPresentPartial

int PmPresentPartial (PmPartialSet aPS, int index)
Returns 1 if partial index is present in PartialSet aPS, 0 otherwise.

5.4.10   PmUnwrapPhase

float PmUnwrapPhase (float prev_freq, float next_freq, float prev_phase, float next_phase, float dtime)
Returns the unwrapped phase variation of a variable-frequency sinusoid between two times prev_time and next_time.

prev_freq : frequency at prev_time

next_freq : frequency at next_time

prev_phase : phase at prev_time

next_phase : phase at next_time

dtime : [next_time - prev_time]

5.4.11   PmWrapPhase

float PmWrapPhase (float phase)
Wraps phase to the inverval [-PI;PI].

5.4.12   PmFreqTransp

int PmFreqTransp (PmPartialSet nextOrig, PmPartialSet nextTransf, PmPartialSet prevOrig, PmPartialSet prevTransf, float nextFactor, float prevFactor)
Transposes frequencies of PartialSet nextOrig by factor nextFactor and puts the result in nextTransf.

As phase evolution is taken into account, this algorithm needs past and current data, defined at times prev_time and next_time respectively:

nextOrig : input non-transformed PartialSet at next_time.

nextTransf : output transformed PartialSet at next_time.

prevOrig : input non-transformed PartialSet at prev_time.

prevTransf : input transformed PartialSet at prev_time.

nextFactor : transposition factor at next_time.

prevFactor : transposition factor at prev_time.

If prevOrig or prevTransf are set to NULL, phase is not considered (and prevFactor is not used). In this case, phase values after frequency transposition are nonsense.

The algorithm still works if nextOrig is equal to nextTransf. In this case, nextOrig non-transformed data is overwritten.


1 if transposition was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.13   PmIvarFreqTransp

int PmIvarFreqTransp (PmPartialSet nextOrig, PmPartialSet nextTransf, PmPartialSet prevOrig, PmPartialSet prevTransf, PmBreakPoint nextIvar, float prevIvar)
Index-variable frequency transposition: transposes frequencies of PartialSet nextOrig by a factor which depends on the partial index.

Transposition factor is defined in a breakpoint function nextIvar which contains points [index ; factor].

prevIvar is the breakpoint function which has been used at prev_time.

Other features are the same as for PmFreqTransp.


1 if transposition was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.14   PmFvarFreqTransp

int PmFvarFreqTransp (PmPartialSet nextOrig, PmPartialSet nextTransf, PmPartialSet prevOrig, PmPartialSet prevTransf, PmBreakPoint nextIvar, float prevIvar)
Frequency-variable frequency transposition: transposes frequencies of PartialSet nextOrig by a factor which depends on the partial frequency.

Transposition factor is defined in a breakpoint function nextIvar which contains points [frequency ; factor].

prevIvar is the breakpoint function which has been used at prev_time.

Other features are the same as for PmFreqTransp.


1 if transposition was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.15   PmTimeScaling

int PmTimeScaling (PmPartialSet nextOrig, PmPartialSet nextTransf, PmPartialSet prevOrig, PmPartialSet prevTransf, float scaleFactor)
Scales time of PartialSet nextOrig according to factor scaleFactor and puts the result in nextTransf.

The interval between nextTransf and prevTransf is calculated as [next_time-prev_time] multiplied by factor scaleFactor.

Input and output PartialSets are the same as for PmFreqTransp.

If prevOrig or prevTransf are set to NULL:


1 if scaling was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.16   PmInterpPartialSet

void PmInterpPartialSet (PmPartialSet left, PmPartialSet right, PmPartialSet interp, int phase_flag)
Calculates an interpolated PartialSet interp between PartialSets left and right.

The interpolation factor is calculated as

(interp_time - left_time) / (right_time - left_time)

so time of PartialSet interp must be set before calling the function.

Amplitudes are linearly interpolated.

If phase_flag is set to 0, phases are not considered and frequencies are linearly interpolated.

If phase_flag is different from 0, phases are assumed to be valid; in this case phases and frequencies are interpolated using 3rd-degree and 2nd-degree polynoms respectively.


1 if interpolation was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.17   PmSetSpectralEnv

int PmSetSpectralEnv (PmPartialSet inPS, PmPartialSet outPS, float *env, float scale_factor, float srate, int env_size, int energy_flag)
Imposes the spectral envelope defined by env to inPS.

Amplitudes of partials in inPS are recalculated by interpolating env at the corresponding partial frequencies.

The spectral envelope defined by env can be previously rescaled by a scale_factor.

scale_factor > 1 stretches the envelope.

scale_factor < 1 compresses the envelope.

The result is placed in outPS, which can be eventually equal to inPS.

env is a spectral envelope defined at env_size regularly spaced points, corresponding to the frequency interval [0 - srate/2].

If energy_flag is different from 0, output and input energies are equalized.

srate : sampling rate


1 if the operation was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.18   PmMultSpectralEnv

int PmMultSpectralEnv (PmPartialSet inPS, PmPartialSet outPS, float *env, float scale_factor, float srate, int env_size, int energy_flag)
Same as PmSetSpectralEnv but multiplies amplitudes of partials by the envelope instead of imposing it.

5.4.19   PmCopySubPartialSet

int PmCopySubPartialSet (PmPartialSet inPS, PmPartialSet outPS, int *subset_indexes, int nb_indexes)
Partials defined in inPS, and whose indexes are present in subset_indexes, are copied to outPS.

outPS is reset to an empty PartialSet before copy is performed.

nb_indexes : number of elements of subset_indexes.


1 if the operation was successful.

-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.20   PmMoveSubPartialSet

int PmMoveSubPartialSet (PmPartialSet inPS, PmPartialSet outPS, int *subset_indexes, int nb_indexes)
Partials defined in inPS, and whose indexes are present in subset_indexes, are copied to outPS and removed from inPS.

outPS is reset to an empty PartialSet before move is performed.

nb_indexes : number of elements of subset_indexes.

1 if the operation was successful,
-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

5.4.21   PmAddSynt

int PmAddSynt(PmPartialSetleft, PmPartialSetright, float *outSig, int maxsize, int done, float srate, int phase_flag)
Performs additive synthesis in the interval between PartialSets left and right, and puts the resulting signal in outSig. At most maxsize samples are computed. Because the interval can be larger than maxsize (the output buffer size), PmAddSynt must be called in a loop:

    sig_done = 0;
    do {
        sig_size = PmAddSynt(leftPartialSet, rightPartialSet, 
                             outSig, maxsize, sig_done, srate, phaseFlag);
        sig_done += sig_size;

        /* do something useful with the synthesized signal */
    } while (sig_size == maxsize);
If phase_flag is set to 0, phases are not considered and frequencies are linearly interpolated.

If phase_flag is different from 0, phases are assumed to be valid; in this case phases and frequencies are interpolated using 3rd-degree and 2nd-degree polynoms respectively.

srate : output sampling rate

the number of output samples actually computed if the operation was successful.
-1 if there is no available memory to perform the operation.

Formatted and maintained by Diemo Schwarz --- last change
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