This is my house at Centre Pompidou 
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 21:28 - Dance

This is my house the dance performance by Myriam Gourfink I've been working on is playing this week at centre pompidou in Paris, nearby IRCAM.

February 16-18 2006
Large room

Welcomed at the Centre Pompidou in 2001 with L'écarlate and in 2004 with Contraindre, the choreographer Myriam Gourfink presents This is my house, a piece for five dancers in which the choreography is created by computer software that generates sound and movement in real time.

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This is my house 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 19:40 - Dance

this is the performance I'm working on at the moment by Chorgrapher Myriam Gourfink and Composer Kasper Toeplitz for 5 Dancers wearing WiFi Sensors and a computer generating the dance score in realtime.

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