Open Sound Control meeting @ NIME06 
Friday, June 9, 2006 17:50 - OpenSoundControl

We had a very interresting meeting with about 20 OSC developpers on thurday June 8th 2006 about the future of OSC standardization.

the meeting was lead by Matt Wright(CNMAT) with participation from David Wessel(CNMAT), Ali Momeni(CNMAT?), Emmanuel Flety(IRCAM), Seb Beaulieu (Plogue), me(IRCAM) the JazzMutant's team and many others whose names I don't remember.

Matt has put online an overview of the hot topics of the meeting:

the highlights are on the usage of ZeroConf/Bonjour/Rendez-Vous for service discovery and registration,
OSC namespace discovery

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Cycling'74 releases udpreceive and udpsend 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 16:45 - OpenSoundControl

It solves the known bug of using otupd with max scheduler in audio-interupt. And better integrates with MaxMSP threading.

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Thursday, July 21, 2005 18:08 - OpenSoundControl
I've made a small utility that can change the address part of an OSC message and send it to another destination.
It's particuarly useful when you have 2 applications with different OSC-namespaces that you want to interconnect.

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Open Sound Control 1.5.1 
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 18:06 - OpenSoundControl
I've made a small bugfix:
When using OSC with the jsui external, the message was received by jsui but the screen wasn't updated.

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OSC externals 1.5 released (win32) 
Monday, February 28, 2005 12:32 - OpenSoundControl
get them here
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