nmfdemix now for OSX and stereo support 
Monday, November 28, 2005 15:45 - News
nmfdemix is now available for mac OSX and I've added stereo file support.
both versions now have an installer so that you can use it from everywhere.
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This is my house 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 19:40 - Dance

this is the performance I'm working on at the moment by Chorgrapher Myriam Gourfink and Composer Kasper Toeplitz for 5 Dancers wearing WiFi Sensors and a computer generating the dance score in realtime.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 16:48 - News

I've written a commandline demixing tool based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization thanks to Arhsia Cont's work and interrest in NMF for polyphonic music analysis.

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Cycling'74 releases udpreceive and udpsend 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 16:45 - OpenSoundControl

It solves the known bug of using otupd with max scheduler in audio-interupt. And better integrates with MaxMSP threading.

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Thursday, July 21, 2005 18:08 - OpenSoundControl
I've made a small utility that can change the address part of an OSC message and send it to another destination.
It's particuarly useful when you have 2 applications with different OSC-namespaces that you want to interconnect.

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Open Sound Control 1.5.1 
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 18:06 - OpenSoundControl
I've made a small bugfix:
When using OSC with the jsui external, the message was received by jsui but the screen wasn't updated.

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