Choreographic Computations workshop 
Friday, June 2, 2006 12:44 - Dance
this Sunday (4th of June) I will be speaking in the Choregraphic Computations workshop with Myriam Gourfink about our work on This is my house just before the opening of the NIME06 conference.

several talented speakers from this field will be there:
Scott deLahunta (Writing Research Associates, NL)
Frédéric Bevilacqua (Researcher, IRCAM, F)
Marc Downie (Artist and Researcher, OpenEndedGroup, USA)
Antonio Camurri (Professor, InfoMUS lab, University of Genoa, I)
Mark Coniglio (Composer/Media Artist, Troika Ranch C°, USA)
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This is my house at Centre Pompidou 
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 21:28 - Dance

This is my house the dance performance by Myriam Gourfink I've been working on is playing this week at centre pompidou in Paris, nearby IRCAM.

February 16-18 2006
Large room

Welcomed at the Centre Pompidou in 2001 with L'écarlate and in 2004 with Contraindre, the choreographer Myriam Gourfink presents This is my house, a piece for five dancers in which the choreography is created by computer software that generates sound and movement in real time.

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eyesweb week news 
Saturday, February 11, 2006 17:54 - News

I was in genova for the eyesweb week which was very interresting.
And among other things I discovered that there is now an eyesweb community web forum at where people can share news, experience, patches, C++ code for the eyw blocks, tips and tricks and links toward new media resources.

Please go visit it

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nmfdemix now for OSX and stereo support 
Monday, November 28, 2005 15:45 - News
nmfdemix is now available for mac OSX and I've added stereo file support.
both versions now have an installer so that you can use it from everywhere.
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This is my house 
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 19:40 - Dance

this is the performance I'm working on at the moment by Chorgrapher Myriam Gourfink and Composer Kasper Toeplitz for 5 Dancers wearing WiFi Sensors and a computer generating the dance score in realtime.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 16:48 - News

I've written a commandline demixing tool based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization thanks to Arhsia Cont's work and interrest in NMF for polyphonic music analysis.

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