Category summary

Summing up parts from the previous chapter, we can deduce three main sonification categories, with their subcategories :
- closing / opening - feedbacks - menu sonification -

Some of the subcategories can be described using the following morphological portraits :

* Typical "welcome" samples :
[check once more]

Based on 32 examples taken from 4 different programs.

Polyphonic / monophonic polyphonic
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile & - generally up
Length Between 2 and 3 sec or > 4 sec.

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Typical "goodbye" samples :
[check once more]

Based on 11 examples taken from 2 different programs.

Polyphonic / monophonic polyphonic
Dynamic profile &
Melodic profile - generally down
Length Between 2 and 4 sec

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Typical "opening" samples :
(window open - expand - maximize)
[check once more]

Based on 33 examples taken from 2 different programs.

Polyphonic / monophonic monophonic
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile & - generally up
Length Less than 0,5 sec

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Typical "closing" samples :
(window close-minimize-collapse)
[check once more]

Based on 16 examples taken from 2 different programs.

Polyphonic / monophonic monophonic
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile &
Length Less than 0,5 sec

Open corresponding analysis page.


Alerts / feedbacks - sorted with negative/positive axis

* Degree - 3 : too few examples

* Degree -2
(neg feedback to explicit question / error)

Based on 24 examples taken from 5 different programs.

Polyphonic / monophonic both
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile ,&
Length 0.5 to 1 s

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Degree -1
(neg feedback to implicit question / slight alert)

Based on 10 examples taken from 2 different programs (mail : no mail today)

Polyphonic / monophonic both
Dynamic profile or
Melodic profile
Length 0 to 0.5 s

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Degree 0

Based on 8 examples taken from 3 different programs

Polyphonic / monophonic both
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile or
Length 0 to 0.5 s

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Degree +1

Based on 19 examples taken from 4 different programs

Polyphonic / monophonic monophonic
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile
Length 0.5 to 1 s.

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Degree +2
(positive feedback to explicit question)

Based on 28 examples taken from 5 different programs

Polyphonic / monophonic polyphonic
Dynamic profile or
Melodic profile
Length 0.5 to 2 s.

Open corresponding analysis page.

* Degree +3
(great relief or success - especially in games)

Based on 13 examples taken from 2 different games

Polyphonic / monophonic n/a
Dynamic profile n/a
Melodic profile
Length centered around 1.5 sec or very long (6 sec +)

Open corresponding analysis page.

Menu sonification

-- 1. open Menu
-- 2. onMouseOver folder (18 samples in common with openMenu)
-- 3. onMouseRelease folder ( 2 samples in common with onMouseOver item - 18 samples in common with openMenu)
-- in Win 98, thesethree categories are merged in a single one : open Menu
-- as most of the samples for the study come from W98, the "typical" morph. profile is the same for these three categories :

Polyphonic / monophonic monophonic
Dynamic profile or
Melodic profile
Length very short : between 0 and 0.5 sec.

4. onMouseOver item -- too few samples to deduce a typical profile

5. onMouseRelease item - accepted (2 samples in common with onMouseRelease folder )

Polyphonic / monophonic monophonic
Dynamic profile
Melodic profile or
Length very short : between 0 and 0.5 sec.

6. onMouseRelease item - refused - too few samples to deduce a typical profile

7. close Menu -- too few samples to deduce a typical profile

