Some of the publications below have appeared in an IEEE journal, Elsevier journal or conference record. By allowing you to download them, I am required to post the following copyright reminder: "This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."
Refereed Journal Publications
- Mixed source model and its adapted vocal-tract filter estimate for voice transformation and synthesis,
G. Degottex, P. Lanchantin, A. Roebel and X. Rodet, Speech Communication, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 278-294, February 2013. - Unsupervised segmentation of randomly switching data hidden with non-Gaussian correlated noise,
P. Lanchantin, J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue and W. Pieczynski, Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 163-175, February 2011. - Unsupervised segmentation of Triplet Markov chains hidden with long memory noise,
P. Lanchantin, J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue and W. Pieczynski,
Signal Processing, No. 88, Vol. 5, pp 1134-1151, May 2008. - Unsupervised restoration of hidden non stationary Markov chains using evidential priors,
P. Lanchantin and W. Pieczynski,
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp 3091-3098, 2005.
Conference Proceedings
- Automatic Transcription of Multi-genre Media Archives,
P. Lanchantin, P. J. Bell, M. J. F. Gales, T. Hain, X. Liu, Y. Long, J. Quinnell, S. Renals, O. Saz, M. S. Seigel, P. Swietojanski, P. C. Woodland
Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia Workshop (SLAM), Marseille, France, 2013. - Improving Lightly Supervised Training for Broadcast Transcription,
Y. Long, M. J. F. Gales, P. Lanchantin, X. Liu, M. S. Seigel, P. C. Woodland
Proc. Interspeech, Lyon, France, 2013. - Transcription of multi-genre media archives using out-of-domain data,
P. J. Bell, M. J. F. Gales, P. Lanchantin, X. Liu, Y. Long, S. Renals, P. Swietojanski, P. C. Woodland
Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), Miami Beach, Florida, 2012. - Making Sense of Variations: introducing Alternatives in Speech Synthesis,
N. Obin, C. Veaux and P. Lanchantin
Speech Prosody, Shanghai, China, 2012. - Vivos Voco: A Survey Of Recent Research On Voice Transformations At Ircam,
P. Lanchantin, S. Farner, C. Veaux, G. Degottex, N. Obin, G. Beller, F. Villavicencio, S. Huber, G. Peeters, A. Roebel, X. Rodet,
14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects DAFx-11, Paris, 2011. - Reformulating Prosodic Break Model into Segmental HMMs and Information Fusion,
N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, 2011. - Discrete/Continuous Modelling of Speaking Style in HMM-based Speech Synthesis: Design and Evaluation,
N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
Interspeech 2011, Florence, Italy, 2011. - Objective Evaluation of the Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,
P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
ICASSP 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011. - A short review on voice transformations at IRCAM,
P. Lanchantin, S. Farner, C. Veaux, G. Degottex, A. Roebel, X. Rodet,
Proc. of the First International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis, Vancouver, Canada, March 2011. - Dynamic Model Selection for Spectral Voice Conversion,
P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
''Interspeech 2010 Proceedings, Makuhari, Japan, Sept 2010. - Joint Prosodic and Segmental Unit Selection for Expressive Speech Synthesis,
C. Veaux, P. Lanchantin and X. Rodet,
7th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW7), Kyoto, Japan, 2010. - Toward Improved HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Using High-Level Syntactical Features,
N. Obin, P. Lanchantin, M. Avanzi, A. Lacheret-Dujour and X. Rodet,
Speech Prosody 2010 Proceedings, Chicago, USA, 2010. - A HMM-Based Synthesis System Using a New Glottal Source and Vocal-Tract Separation Method,
P. Lanchantin, G. Degottex and X. Rodet,
ICASSP2010 Proceedings, Dallas, USA, 2010. - Automatic Phoneme Segmentation With Relaxed Textual Constraints,
P. Lanchantin, A. C. Morris X. Rodet and C. Veaux,
LREC'08 Proceedings, Marrakech, Marocco, 2008. - Restoring hidden non stationary process using triplet partially Markov chain with long memory noise,
W. Pieczynski, P. Lanchantin,
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 05), July 17-20, Bordeaux, France, 2005. - Unsupervised non stationary image segmentation using triplet Markov chains,
P. Lanchantin and W. Pieczynski,
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 04), Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Brussels, Belgium, 2004. - Statistical image segmentation using Triplet Markov Fields,
W. Pieczynski, D. Benboudjema and P. Lanchantin,
SPIE's International Symposium on Remote Sensing, September 22-27, Crete, Greece, 2002.
Book Chapter (in French)
- Transformation et Synthèse de la Voix Parlée et de la Voix Chantée,
X. Rodet, G. Beller, N. Bogaards, G. Degottex, S. Farner, P. Lanchantin, N.Obin, A. Roebel, C. Veaux and F. Villavicencio, Parole et Musique : Aux Origines du Dialogue Humain, Odile Jacob, Paris, 2009
Refereed Journal Publications (in French)
- IrcamCorpusTools : Plateforme Pour Les Corpus de Parole,
G.Beller, C. Veaux, G.Degottex, N. Obin, P. Lanchantin and X.Rodet,
Traitement Automatique des Langues, Vol. 49, No.3, 2008. - Chaînes et arbres de Markov évidentiels avec applications à la segmentation des processus non stationnaires,
P. Lanchantin and W. Pieczynski,
Traitement du Signal, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2005.
Conference Proceedings (in French)
- Transformation et Synthèse de la voix parlée et de la voix chantée,
X. Rodet, G. Beller, N. Bogaards, G. Degottex, S. Farner, P. Lanchantin, N. Obin, A. Roebel, C. Veaux, F. Villavicencio,
Actes du Colloque de Rentrée du Collège de France, Octobre 2008. - Segmentation d'Images Multispectrales par Arbre de Markov caché Flou,
P. Lanchantin, F. Salzenstein,
Actes du Colloque GRETSI'05, 6-9 septembre, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 2005. - Arbres de Markov Triplet et théorie de l'évidence,
P. Lanchantin et W. Pieczynski,
Actes du Colloque GRETSI'03, 8-11 septembre, Paris, France, 2003. - Transferts d'énergie par couplage modal : étude d'un cas particulier,
C.Touzé, P. Lanchantin, A. Chaigne et O. Thomas,
Actes du sixième congrès français d'Acoustique, Lille, Avril 2002.
Phd Thesis
"Unsupervised Signal Segmentation using Triplet Markov chains"
Chaînes de Markov triplets et segmentation non supervisée des signaux

Defended on december 5th 2006 In front of the jury composed of:
Thesis from Institut National des Télécommunications funded by the French Ministry of Research and Education.
Mention : très honorable.
Keys Words: Bayesian estimation, Hidden Markov Models (chains and trees), Pairwise and Triplet Markov Chains, Bayesian Networks, Segmentation of Multiresolution and multivariates images, Expectation Maximisation, Iterative Conditional Estimation, Data Fusion, Evidence theory, Fuzzy set, non stationary processes, Gaussian processes, long memory process.
- Transformation de la voix humaine,
Catherine Ferrieux,
Interstice, mai 2011 - Chercheur à l'Ircam : sur la bonne voix,
Michèle Davène,
Keyboards Recording, août 2009.
Internal Report
- ircamAlign : Système d'étiquetage et d'alignement de signaux de parole,
P. Lanchantin,
rapport interne Ircam, 2007 - Angelstudio : conversion de locuteur,
P. Lanchantin,
rapport interne Ircam, 2011
- Exploitation d'enregistrements et de corpus de Parole,
C. Veaux, P. Lanchantin, N. Obin, J.Bloit,
IRCAM Journée prospective, dec. 2008. - Travaux actuels de l'Ircam autour de la voix
G. Beller, J. Bloit, G., Degottex, S. Farner, P. Lanchantin, N. Obin, A. Roebel, C. Veaux, F. Villavicencio, X. Rodet,
ILPGA, Paris, 4 avril 2008. - ircamAlign : système d'étiquetage et d'alignement de signaux de parole
P. Lanchantin, A.C.Morris, X.Rodet,
IRCAM research and technology seminars, sep. 2007. - Décodage dans un flux : reconnaissance et alignement de parole,
J. Bloit, P. Lanchantin, X.Rodet,
IRCAM research and technology seminars, sep. 2007. - Modèles Triplets et Théorie de l'Evidence,
Séminaire LSIIT
(ENSPS, Strasbourg), mai 2006. - Traitement statistique des images : principes de modélisation pour la segmentation,
Journée portes ouvertes Recherche (JPOR 05) de l'INT : présentation des activités de recherche en traitements statistiques d'images du laboratoire CITI,
23-24 mars 2005. - Segmentation non-supervisée de processus cachés non stationnaires par modèle de chaîne de Markov triplet,
Séminaire CITI, Février 2005.