Ircam - Centre Georges-Pompidou

Exercice de colles d'informatique

Formal computing appeared in France at the National Preparatory Class Program in 1995. It replaces the traditionnal computing language known as Pascal. Practicly, schools may choose between two softwares: Mathematica et Maple. If you can read french, your are invited to consult the official instructions.

Consequently, preparatory class students have lessons entirely devoted to formal computing applied to Mathematics, Physics or Engineering Sciences. You'll find here some exercices (with their corrections) that I use for my lessons. These exercices are supposed to last two hours.

Unfortunatly, I do not have enough time for translating alone all these pages in english. If someone is ready to devote some of his/her time for these translations, I would help him/her as much as possible in his/her task.

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Tue Mar 25 17:51:12 1997
Tassart Stéphan

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