Xavier Rodet & Dominique François
Analysis/Synthesis Team

IRCAM 4 Janvier 96

1. What is Xspect ?

2. What does it run on ?

3. Read this first

4. How do you run it ?

5. A few objects that you manipulate:

5.1 -> Window

5.2 -> Frame

5.3 -> View

5.4 -> Identifier Box

5.5 -> Buffer, Channel

5.6 -> Cursor, Grid, Diphone and Mark

5.7 -> Selection

5.8 -> Context

6. Analysis

7. Mouse Clicks in a Frame

8. Mouse Click, Paste and Drag in an Identifier Box

9. Menu Bar and Menus

10. Active Frame, Active View, Active Cursor, Active Selection

11. Key Strokes

12. Visit file / Replace by visiting

13. Perform an Analysis

14. Server of display for FTS

15. Break Point Function Editor

16. Play a segment

17. Options

18. Synchronisation of Actions

19. Bugs

20. Sliding window analysis

21. New functionalities and bugs' correction (in French !)